jimmyboy (Stranger)
02-14-04 00:46
No 488463
      Data on organic salt solubilities     

Anyone know where i could find solubility data on fatty acid salts such as sodium pyruvate - formate - malate - stearate - oleate etc etc.. -- I have searched high and low and have came up with very limited info -- checked crc - langes at a college library and scoured the net - i'd really like to find a graph chart of solubilities in water at different temperatures

(Chief Bee)
02-14-04 03:21
No 488502

I don't think anyone has bothered to measure and chart any such graphs.

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
(Distinctive Doe)
02-14-04 05:42
No 488544
      You need to do a literature search.     

You need to do a literature search.  I'm sure someone has measured those before.  Go to a good university library and ask the librarian what electronic search engines they have for finding scientific journal articles.  Or just look thru every issue Chem. Abstracts.  That gets tedious.laugh
02-14-04 11:00
No 488582

Solubility information of said compounds can be found in the Merck index. Just look at the specific compounds. If you want more quantitative data you should do like Foxy said. I know that for the metal carboxylates of long chain fatty acids this has been reseached extensively.

I´m not suffering from Magnon´s Syndrome...It just itches!
(Hive Bee)
02-14-04 15:16
No 488605

No problem
let me know exaktly your salts and i ll look  for
the solubility in different solvents.

Just need a day in the lib.
