Purepacker (Stranger)
02-19-04 15:09
No 489816
      Homoserine to GHB ?     

SWIM has 50 grams of homoserine. Since the homoserine structure is almost identical to GHB (except for the 2-amino functional group) the question rose whether one can remove the amino group without too much problems ? Any input would be appreciated....

I´m not suffering from Magnon´s Syndrome...It just itches!
(Hive Bee)
02-19-04 16:37
No 489827
      Homoresine biosynthesis     

Homoserine biosynthesis references found from google:


Molecule: L-homoserine / 2-amino-4-hydroxybutanoic acid ("C(=O)(C(CCO)N)O")

Anyways, you'd have to de-aminate somehow to get 5-hydroxypentanoic acid (GVL / gamma-valerolactone) and then de-methylate it to get 4-hydroxybutyric acid (GBL / gamma-butyrolactone).... Impossible.

Same would go for 4-Aminobutylate and D-aspartate (for 1,4-BDO you'd have to de-hydeogenate it)...

Check out also Post 466474 (adroit_synth: "2-aminomethyl-THF/Tetrahydrofurfurylamine ->THF", Newbee Forum)

Holotna Pravda... Neskolko dnej iz zhizni siLENZiova   laugh
(Chief Bee)
02-19-04 18:16
No 489861
      Count your carbons     

Count your carbons - how did you go from 2-amino-4-hydroxy-butanoic acid to 4-hydroxy-pentanoic acid just like that?

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
(Hive Bee)
02-19-04 18:28
No 489866
      Shit. My mistake.     

I'm drunk laugh and was thinking the time I had some valerolactone which I furiously tried to de-methylate.
I meant to say 4-hydroxy-2-methylbutanoic acid.

Sorry for the confusion.

Holotna Pravda... Neskolko dnej iz zhizni siLENZiova   laugh
02-23-04 14:22
No 490661
      I must have been...     

drunk too... tongue

I´m not suffering from Magnon´s Syndrome...It just itches!