zaxan (Stranger)
02-20-04 03:37
No 489867
      Brown coke?     

I got this rock off this guy i know. It was a ball but it waz brown he sayed it waz good shit and it shur as hell was it was a light brown. what could have been done with itcrazy

(Hive Bee)
02-20-04 03:40
No 489868
      it could be     

heroin if is not even white dont take it it coul be cut with anything even if it is coke

saddam liked it in the hole
(Hive Bee)
02-20-04 03:41
No 489869

I don't comment on the brown shit, but for your own health, recrystallize it.

Holotna Pravda... Neskolko dnej iz zhizni siLENZiova   laugh
(Hive Bee)
02-20-04 17:29
No 489996
      Coke Recrystallisation     

I once heard off a mate that this causes problems.  Swims coke was very high quality with clear crystal planes and previous bioassay reinforced this.

Swim followed the methods mentioned in a post about dissolving in hot methanol and slowly dripping onto a glass surface, one drop at a time, until the solvent evaporated.  Swim was meticulous about this but anyway the result was a sticky mess of really strong tasting coke that never actually dried out.  Even after leaving it for 2 weeks it never was dry enough to put up your beak.

good luck
(Hive Bee)
02-20-04 17:43
No 490002
      similar prob happened to the embezzler     

left a quater out in a friends house and it soaked up water from air, had to be placed under a heat lamp to dry it

saddam liked it in the hole