tone3721 (Stranger)
02-27-04 23:14
No 491515

Swim has been looking over dr drools notes, and their seems to be some confusion on the meno2 he doesnt call for it in his list of supplys although methyl man calls for it in his write up. Ive used tfse and forgive me if its been posted but  im guessing this is a solvent right? What are some practical uses for this compound? Does he get it from the rc fuel? If someone had just straight nitromethane does this make a difference? Obviously swim wont need to distill it but im confused on how hes getting the meno2 he doesnt even mention it. Swims nomenclature isnt real sharp at the moment is it methyl nitroxide? methyl nitrodioxide? If someone could clear this up no matter how futile it may seem to them swim would be very much appreciative.

here comes sunshine
02-27-04 23:29
No 491518
      Same shit, different name.     

MeNO2 is nitromethane figuratively written.

Me- = H3C- = methyl group
-NO2 = nitro group

Hence, MeNO2 = nitro-methane, nitromethane.

Knowing this, things ought to add up for you... :-)
02-28-04 04:17
No 491572
      Nitomethane is reduced to Methylamine by the...     

Nitomethane is reduced to Methylamine by the Al/Hg Amalgum. The methylamine then reacts with your ketone resulting in MDMAsmile

We are all just witnesses.
(Hive Bee)
02-28-04 04:17
No 491573
      Swim distilled meno2 from 35% nitro rc fuel at     

Swim distilled meno2 from 35% nitro rc fuel at 101 degrees after distilling out the methanol at about 65

mr president theres drugs in our residents
03-01-04 09:20
(Rated as: insignificant)
03-01-04 10:41
      distill or....
(Rated as: redundant)
03-01-04 13:27
No 492002
      meno2 100%     

Yeh sassypants you can buy it straight but the only problem is not many places sell it.... swim has seen up to 40% in r/c fuel, seen 100% advertised as dragster fuel (cool......) and easy to get, only prob is on its own (ie not in methanol as with r/c fuel) its not very nice.... (when swim does the al/hg in those wild dreams meno2 is distilled just before its required) ...and in any kind of pooled quantity.... ouch.... cool

If you buy r/c fuel you can get the meno2 and meoh from it, hit 2 items on your shopping list at one time!cool
03-01-04 20:47
No 492065
      R/C butiques...     

In serious R/C butiques they sell pure MeNO2 as an additive to the methanol fuel. This is for the R/C hard heads who want the whole kit and make their own fuel mixtures to improve their wee car's/airplane's/helicopter's performance... So just say you're an R/C fanatic and ask them to order it for you, it shouldn't be a problem. They can probably order unspoiled methanol for you as well...
03-02-04 06:31
No 492229
      by "not nice"     

what do you mean? Too flammable/reactive? Or suspicious? It shouldn't bee suspicious/ just get from a drag specialty type place. I suppose you could also get methanol from them (to dilute the meno2 in, of course)
(Hive Bee)
03-02-04 07:21
No 492239
      From what i understood, after a certain ...     

From what i understood, after a certain percentage containing meno2, it cant be shipped in the US.

After checking on ebay a while ago for ppl selling straight nitromethane, all of the auctions explicitly said, must be picked up. I could be wrong tho. I just read that in a post a while ago and then found it backed up on ebay. Since noone right now on ebay is selling meno2 i cant back this up but i saw it on there a little while ago.

However i heard that certain drag strips sell it straight. I dunno tho, i never verified it. Its easy to just distill plus its good practice.

mr president theres drugs in our residents
03-02-04 09:00
      not nice stuff
(Rated as: misinforming)
03-02-04 09:22
No 492255
      flash pt.     

sure, but how about working with ether, among other solvents. Don't want any open flames around them, either. Of course, best to work in a fume hood with these things. Working with them outside, in a remote location on a fairly cool day would actually be less scary for me than distilling them inside a lab.
MeNO2 CAN be bought AND shipped via UPS. There would be extra charges, though, as it is a hazmat. Just enter "nitromethane" in the search engine. I have not seen it on ebay though.
03-02-04 09:44
No 492259
      nitromethane shipping     

nitromethane and -ethane are class 3 (flammable) hazardous materials, which means that anything less than 1001 lbs isnt really hazmat unless other hazardous materials or substances bring the total up to 1001. this means that UPS is just ripping you off. they are not hazardous substances, something entirely different from a shippers p.o.v.
  the exception to this is that these are forbidden in passenger airplanes and passenger trains. also only 60L allowed by air cargo.
03-02-04 12:55
No 492295
      hazmat paper trail     

Well even though it is legal and no one really cares your buying it your still leaving the dreaded paper trail.... UPS hazmat transportation documents, hazmat order sheets, etc.... where as most normal people would just go and buy the mixes, you need the methanol anyway.... and wheres teh paper trail when you buy r/c fuel at the hobby shop with cash? wait..... there is none!