SpicyBrown (Hive Bee)
03-05-04 07:21
No 493098
      Making heroin from Roxanol (USP. Morphine Sulfate)     

Recently had the good fortune of acquiring a decent amount of Roxanol 20mg/mL morphine sulfate solution.  Would be very cool to make some heroin from it, and acetic anhydride is readily available.  I UTFSE'd and googled, checked the 2003 PDR - can't however find any information about any additional compounds that may be in the solution, like stabilizers or salts or anything. 

Does anybody know if there's anything else in there? What kind (if any - boy wouldn't that be convenient..) of extraction needs to be done on it prior to acetylation?  Opiates are pretty unexplored territory for me chemically speaking - Can the morphine withstand a basification with NaOH?

(Fragile ego)
03-05-04 11:17
No 493119
      The solution will bee isotonic, meaning it has     

The solution will bee isotonic, meaning it has salt equal to the bodys average concentration.  I assume there would also bee some kind of bacteriostat as well.  Benzyl alcohol possibly?  I'm sure there are others.

http://www.democracynow.org/ - The Exception to the Rulers
(Hive Bee)
03-05-04 17:18
No 493176
      Forgot to mention...     

... that this is an oral solution, not an injectable one.  Foxy2, do you think it would still be isotonic then?

07-06-04 05:35
      Morphine Solution into Crystals or Powder
(Rated as: UTFSE!)
(Hive Bee)
07-06-04 08:12
No 517707
      morphine question....     

Read  you may find the answer.........java

../rhodium /codeine2morphine.html

Just hold on to the thread...that keeps us going
(Hive Bee)
07-06-04 23:02
No 517798

Have a look at poppies.org in the chemistry section.

There are also a lot of M > H topics in the old forum