endo1 (Hive Bee)
03-07-04 06:14
No 493590
      mercury fell into the flask...     

Mercury fell in to a flask full of raw, warm mdp2p when setting up for distillation (broken thermometer). I don't see it in there though is it miscible? Can I just distill it out?
03-07-04 10:14
No 493619
      Have you tried pouring the contents of the...     

Have you tried pouring the contents of the flask into a separatory funnel?

The mercury should settle on the bottom unless it has reacted with something.
03-08-04 01:02
No 493718

Raw? as in not distilled? ahhh well it depends on which way you made your ketone, ie what other remanent stuff is in there from the last reaction possible reaction with mercury. As far as swim knows mdp2p will just seperate from the mercury and you can just use a sep funnel to drain it out.
(Wonderful Personality)
03-08-04 04:01
No 493728
      Just distill the MDP2P as usual - the mercury...     

Just distill the MDP2P as usual - the mercury wont come over during distillation. Also mercury-compounds so formed, wont distill over and if, you will get rid of them in the usual worup after the Al/Hg alylation. No reason to worry.
Discard the residue of the distillation in an environmental responsible way, say best is to bring it to some waste station, if not possible discard it down the drain and dont bury it somewhere.

Shareholder of Paranoid Fucks inc.
(Hive Addict)
03-09-04 19:09
No 494092

Does anyone have any ideas on the fumes that escape a condenser from an AL/HG, at reflux.

Would these fumes contains any appreciable amounts of HG?

Audacious enough to shred the U.S. Constitution, even while he imposes one on Iraq

(Hive Bee)
03-09-04 21:24
No 494114
      Hg Fumes     

Would these fumes contains any appreciable amounts of HG?

Probably not but as a rule of thumb in swims dream a well working fan (above head extractor, or pedestal fan) is employed to blow away anything which is possibly exuded from the apparatus out the door/window.
Dont think any Hg would become gaseous in the conditions of the reaction, nor survive the reflux condenser.

Just out of safety’s sake, use the fan anyway, its a solution to a common problem in clandestine labs.

(Wonderful Personality)
03-10-04 03:54
No 494168
      The boiling point of mercury is about 357°C.     

The boiling point of mercury is about 357°C.

Shareholder of Paranoid Fucks inc.
(Hive Addict)
03-10-04 04:00
No 494170
      excuse me?     

mercury fell in a flask with MDP2P and you can't see it?
it probably was a mercury free alcohol thermometer.

filter(lambda W : W not in 'ILLITERATE','BULLSHIT')
(Hive Bee)
03-10-04 17:07
No 494284
      mercury vapor     

and if it was a Hg thermometer? if Hg came out and its not in the flask then its somewhere else. google "mercury thermometer hot stove" for a cautionary example.
  before i was aware of the vaporization of Hg at RT (teen) i was exposed to it for a time and can attest to its effect. take it seriously.
  CRC gives a similar vapor pressure, ~12mm, for Hg at 190C and EtOH at 0C.
  it certainly has some volatility well below its boiling point, though of course i agree with earlier posts regarding Hg not leaving the flask in typical Hg/Al rxs.