Yoff (Stranger)
03-10-04 00:28
No 494051
      Racemization of dextrometorphane  Bookmark   

I'm really sorry for  opening this new thread, but I have found nothing using TFSE.... So, are there any OTC possibilities for racemization of dextrometorphane to racemetorphane??
(Hive Addict)
03-10-04 03:53
No 494087
      absolutley not  Bookmark   

utfse you will see why.
03-10-04 15:52
      tfse tip
(Rated as: misinforming)
(Hive Bee)
03-11-04 20:10
No 494441
      That may be so, but...  Bookmark   

You'd get the most hits if you UTFSE'd with "dextrometHorphan"

Sorry laugh

03-11-04 21:18
      To my shame
(Rated as: redundant)