tryin (Stranger)
03-21-04 07:05
No 496417
      AL (Phikal #2)     

Has anyone tried to synth AL (Phikal #2)? It seems to me that the most difficult part would be:

"A suspension of 4.0 g LAH in 150 mL anhydrous THF under N2 was cooled to 0 °C and vigorously stirred"

Is there an alternative to this step? The chemicals are very toxic, and hard to acquire. Any help is much appreciated.
(Hive Addict)
03-21-04 11:42
No 496425

if you have to ask, then it is probably too hard for you.

what you need is a route to syringaldehyde (utfse) or buy it,
then alkylate (utfse) it with allyl iodide or bromide (utfse),
then do a nitromethane condensation (utfse) also called henry
reaction (utfse) and then do one of the various nitrostyrene
(utfse) reductions, for example with Zn (utfse) or Al/Hg and
NaBH4 (utfse). and then pray that the allylic double bond is
not reduced.

honestly: start with something more simple where the aldehydes
are more readily available (2C-B (utfse), Mescaline (utfse))


filter(lambda W : W not in 'ILLITERATE','BULLSHIT')
04-17-04 07:01
No 501217

I'm not so sure, hypo...

If ning were to make something like that, (mind ye, mescaline is something special) the fact of the matter is, allyl chloride/bromide may just bee easier for our bee here to make than methyl iodide or whatever s/he would use to make 3,4,5-TMB. And though I'm not so sure 'bout it, last I heard allyls were pretty tough buggers, and if something harsh as hell like LiAlH4 wouldn't touch it, I bet not much else our bee would throw at it would either.

Tryin, consider using EtBr as well. That's REALLY otc.

I've been chased by both cops and robbers. So what does that make me?
(Hive Addict)
04-17-04 09:28
No 501242

my point was that the aldehydes for mescaline and 2c-b can be bought.
you are right about the allyl chain though - will probably survive.