sassypants (Newbee)
03-25-04 16:28
No 497271
      substitute for CuCl2?     

I have UTFSE for this, but can't find anything specific to what I want to ask- I figured someone had to have tried. Does anyone know a good substitute for CuCl2 in the wacker oxidation? ZnCl, AgCl? Anything? ALone or in combo with the PdCl.

Distill. Isomerize. Distill. Oxidize. Distill. Reduce. Crystalize. Repeat.
(Hive Bee)
03-25-04 16:57
No 497276
      cucl2 is very easy to make and cheap(on ...     

cucl2 is very easy to make and cheap(on rhodiums site), why do you want a substitute for it.
03-25-04 20:58
(Rated as: insignificant)
(Hive Addict)
03-25-04 21:35
No 497338
      note to newbees:     

if you want help, please always include a link to the method
you're talking about. people won't waste their time trying to
reverse engineer your post tongue.

filter(lambda W : W not in 'ILLITERATE','BULLSHIT')
(Hive Bee)
03-27-04 03:16
No 497609
      See Post 438068 but substitute copper sulfate...     

See Post 438068 (moo: "Ammonium Chloride from Ammonium Sulfate", Chemicals & Equipment) but substitute copper sulfate for ammonium sulfate. If you can't get those then you're not looking hard enough. You could also use copper carbonate and HCl.

fear fear hate hate
(Wonderful Personality)
03-27-04 06:47
No 497650
      Copper carbonate and HCl is fine.     

Copper carbonate and HCl is fine. But for CuCl2 from CuSO4 with as less contamination as possible I would suggest to dissolve the sulfate in water and to add soda (sodium carbonate) in excess and to boil this solution for some time. First the coppercarbonate will form - a nice fluffy light-blue precipitate which would take days to settle but no need to wait for this to happen as it will turn to black copper oxide upon boiling, this now settles well at the bottom and can be washed free from any water soluble residue with ease as copperoxide is not soluble in water at all. Dried, weighed and an stochiometric amount of HCl added - voila! - CuCl2. (if one uses muriatic acid from poolsupply or hardware stores it is advised to distill this before use or all this tedious getting rid of impurities is in vain - muriatic acid contains heaps of shit, mostly iron - this gets very obvious upon distillation)

moo´s method works - of course - I suggest this alternative way solely as the step through copperoxide bears advantages in removing water soluble salts - what might come advantageous - in my humble opinion, is understood.

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