fastsally (Stranger)
04-09-04 19:19
No 499917

GBL is by far the foul tasting shit I've ever consumed but mommie likes the twirl and is addicted:) I'm getting 99.9 pure GBL and was wondering if there is anything I can do about the taste.  Something easy and not too technical would be best.  Oh, while I'm at it, is all 99.9 Gbl the same?  I hear people talk about thick G & thin G.  Mine is thin (like me) and tastes like donkey manure...
Luv u all!
Sally in the Alley
(Hive Bee)
04-10-04 02:11
No 499967
      Orange Juice?     

I guess Sally is no longer fast if she is ingesting gbl.
Surely you must know a way to mask the taste...just drink it with something that will take your mind off the gbl.
Sweet, sour, salty, acidic any beverage will do.
In regards to thin & thick: Are you certain the 'G' refers to GBL? If someone gave me G id assume it was GHB smile
However, i have no experience with either substance.

I'm a diamond that is tired, of all the faces i've aquired.
(arrogant bee of the day)
04-10-04 10:56
No 500029
      Turn it into GHB with NaOH (UTFSE) and it wont     

Turn it into GHB with NaOH (UTFSE) and it wont taste so bad. Then you can make it thick or thin as it will be a salt dissolved in water... Thick or thin!

I'm not fat, I'm just too short for my weight.
(Hive Bee)
04-11-04 04:45
No 500159
      Why are you just eating the precursor...     

Why are you just eating the precursor... instead of the drug itself?? or was that a typo on your behalf?
04-12-04 15:53
No 500354
      not really     

GBL works, you don't "need" GHB, but I think GHB is a bit
easier on the liver. And it tastes better too.
Still tastes like semen,though.

I've got tissues with issues
04-12-04 23:17
No 500414
      Once removed     

DO you know the source of your gbl? If you get it from some guy off the street you are probably drinking "once removed" nail polish remover. It contains bitrex and tastes like shit (hence the name "shitrex").

read my post "GBL: Once removed rxn + purification"

04-16-04 15:58
      man, weedar....
(Rated as: off-topic)
04-17-04 16:54
No 501289
      after a couple of weks i get hives from GHB...     

after a couple of weks i get hives from GHB made out of once-removed...anyone else have this experience?

any way of distilling gammabutyrolactone from once-removed so this doesn't happpen. (right now i just use Britta filter and paper coffee filters. these get rid of cosmetic smell from once-removed and almost all of bitrex taste).
04-17-04 21:38
No 501339
      I don't see why you should convert GBL into...     

I don't see why you should convert GBL into GHB at all, except for the taste (which can be masked by the use of different beverages as someone mentioned above). GHB is illegal in most places where GBL still is legal, and GHB is either way converted into GBL instantly once it enters the acidic environment of the stomache. So whether you're ingesting GHB or GBL is irrelevant (as long as it's not some exotic GHB-salt).
(Chief Bee)
04-18-04 01:51
No 501393
      Just nit-picking a little here...     

GHB is either way converted into GBL instantly once it enters the acidic environment of the stomach

Not quite. According to the JFS article linked from Post 499751 (Rhodium: "Extraction of GHB acid from aqueous solutions", Chemistry Discourse) GHB free acid is rather stable in aqueous solution at pH > 4. For GBL formation to occur reasonably fast, the pH needs to be 4-7, and if not near neutral, heat needs to be applied to speed up the reaction.

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
04-18-04 03:01
No 501408
      Not OnceRemoved!     

I'm 100% certain it is not once removed.  I get it by the gallon from a chemical company advertised as a debonder.