IsoPure (Stranger)
04-20-04 01:32
No 501681
      Residue Trituration in DIPE?     

An organic extract is dried, filtered and evaporated. The residue (solid) is triturated in diisopropylether (DIPE). Then kept at RT the desired product is obtained.

Q: Whats the procedure for triturating a solid?

Q: The recipe doesnt state how the DIPE is removed???
(Hive Bee)
04-20-04 07:29
No 501729
      This isnt for you isopure as i answered this...     

This isnt for you isopure as i answered this in reply to your pm to me. But for eveyone else...

Q: Whats the procedure for triturating a solid?
A: To grind or rub to a powder.
Meaning that its a crystalline solid, presumably a large crystal mass, mash the fucker into a fine powder.

Q: The recipe doesnt state how the DIPE is removed???
A: Distill it off, DIPE bp is 68.8oC.