Skeletron (Stranger)
04-30-04 04:21
No 503865
      Diazepam help     

Hi everyone.  I was hoping to get a little help on the diazepam synth i found at rhodium's archive.  I've only started recently studying Organic Chemistry. Really I was just hoping to get some advice on which synth would be the easiest to obtain supplies and chemicals, I'm not really worried about how hard it would be because nothing is never too hard to learn, I guess because I love to learn. Where can I get (extract/distill) 5-chloro-isatoic anhydride ? and some of the other chems?  Any help would be appreciated.. I'm looking forward to learn a few things from you guys, it looks like a really interesting forum you have here... By the way, is there any suggestions on a site where I can start to learn about organic chemistry or a good book to checkout/buy? 

05-03-04 18:22
      Same boat!
(Rated as: redundant)
05-03-04 22:44
No 504627
      best suggestion:     


I mean, really, just wade through the search engine,try
searching especially in the newbee forum for some good
tips on which books to get. There is no need to post the
same answers all over again, you need to find them

I've got tissues with issues
05-04-04 01:31
No 504640
      re: best suggestion     

At the time I wrote the post, the search engine was down, but thanks for your input.