FlyBoy (Hive Bee)
04-30-04 17:09
No 504009
      Magic Pill: What is it?     

I have heard of these pills, Delottas(sp?) and I have tryed to search them up but I must have failed to get a Pharmaceutical Name for them. Does anyone recognise this name? someone at least should because it seems to be a common street name. 
What really are they?
Are they any good? I've heard that they are 'synthetic' heroin which beats my bush what that's supposed to mean.
How many mg. do they come in?
Are they really pharmaceuticals? or home made jobbys?
DOes anyone know anyone who has an experience with them? I've heard both sides of this coin many people are saying that they are not all they are cracked up to bee, one budys' daughter swears by them.

I would apreciate your help!

Another term for them is D8's
(Hive Addict)
04-30-04 19:55
No 504016
      give us a break     

you dont even say if these are from a street source or not. if not bring one to a fucking pharmacist and say you found it in your kids schoolbag and want to know what the fuck it is.
 heroin is synthetic from opium/morphine so that bit is not surprising. now type "pill" into google images and keep looking till you find that one, i mean you dont even describe them. and only someone of diminished mental capacity would take a pill that they dont even know the fucking name of so put the fucking thing down. how are we supposed to know how pure your unnamed pills are or how many mgs they come in ? i mean seriously.

all i can say is dont take the fucking things if they are perscribed for some one else then let that person take them

chemically enhanced.
(Hive Bee)
04-30-04 21:13
No 504030

I think that's what you are talking about.

I'll get all the sleep I need when i'm dead.
05-01-04 04:18
No 504094

He's talking about dilaudid, which is often mistakenly referred to as "dilotta." It's also known as "drug store heroin" on the streets, where pills allegedly sell for $50-60 each.

Pills contain either 1 mg (green tablet), 2 mg (orange tablet), 3 mg (pink tablet) or 4 mg hydromorphone hydrochloride (yellow tablet) plus various other inactive ingredients.

Dilaudid is about 8 times more potent than morphine on a milligram basis, so if you're going to use it, you'd better use with extreme caution.

On time is when I get there.
(Hive Bee)
05-01-04 08:24
No 504123
      didaudid is best enjoyed by experienced users,     

didaudid is best enjoyed by experienced users, the buss is very close to that of heroin.  back when oxycodone was my favorite i sniffed 3 4's and although i had that opiate buzz i was nauseous for over 12 hours.  if you're unexperienced i'd avoid the D's cuz when your body acclimates to strong opiates like hydromorph(dilaudid) and heroin, the weaker ones like oxycodone and codiene tend to suck ass.

conversely however, fentanyl, the strongest opiate i've ever done, even more so than heroin, never caused any cross tolerance or depleted the quality of other opiate buzz's.

so in summary unless you wanna fork out the bucks for downtown(heroin) or the typically way overpriced dilaudid's just to be wrapped in that blanket of goodness, stick to oxy and the like, and if you can get your hands on it fentanyl which will knock you off your rocker if you smoke a tiny pinch, even more intensly than H.
(Hive Addict)
05-01-04 09:15
No 504128
      Good Dilaudid Film     

Drug Store Cowboy

Rent it before you do it. The film even has a cameo from the Poet Laureate of Heroin William Burroughs.

This is the pain drug given to terminal cancer patients. It's highly effective for pain and addiction will set in very rapidly if taken regularly. Tolerance also sets in quick so the dosage must soon also be upped for continued efficacy. The addiction is considered a non-issue for terminal cancer patients due to the "terminal" aspect as they will usually be dead soon anyway. Keep these facts in mind if you want to try it.

I have an aversion to the opiates for my own personal reasons but I saw my dad recently after hernia surgery and they gave me a rundown on the drugs used on him before I took him home. They gave him fentanyl for the big knock out of both consciousness and pain.

But he came to his senses much quicker than I had three years prior when given 50mg of demerol for similar purposes (wisdom tooth extraction). I think fentanyl hits with a wallop but then also recedes with less residual overtones. I'd probably try one of the lollipops if I could get one but would not want a big supply knowing the addictive potential of most opiates.

My dad won't even take drugs when prescribed to him so he gave me the whole bottle of vicodin they gave him for post hernia surgery pain. I only took some recenly when I got jabbed by a painfully poisonous plant but the rest of the bottle will wait now for pain that's beyond the scope of ibuprofin.

Once when badly burned I realized that morphine had "fun potential" but still only took it when the burning sensations became unbearable.

For me opiates are really for bad pain only. I do know that some poeples pain isn't physical but those who take it for such reasons seem to often be helpless when it comes to addiction.

PS. Anyone have any news of Humidbeing and the outcome of his xanax inspired sleepwalk to the local mom&pop pharmacists? I halfway suspected that he was caught doing a sleepwalkers version of drugstore cowboy.

Country line dancing royally sucked until black people got ahold of it
(Hive Bee)
05-01-04 17:55
No 504183
      A realistic road movie about a drug addict,     

"A realistic road movie about a drug addict, his 'family', and their inevitable decline into crime"

what kind of propaganda are you throwing at us chemo???

you're right on about the fentanyl's duration.   you can smoke a flake of it,  go into complete nods, and feel like in never happened in less than 30 minutes.  sublingual lasts a bit longer.   the one time i tried transdermal was due to spillage and i was too worried about overdosing to watch the clock, although it seemed like decades, hehehe.

there's seemed to be very little addiction potential with this drug.  i smoked it all day every day for two weeks and never had any constipation or withdrawls, but then again 2 weeks of heavy oxycontin use never caused constipation or withdrawls either so that doesn't mean shit for most people.   come to think of it morphine was the same situation....   

for those skeptics out there who think i sound like i junkie i haven't consumed opiates since at least a month ago when i did some heroin, again with no withdrawls.
(Hive Bee)
05-01-04 18:06
No 504185
      Well Embezzler     

Well, Embezzler I never had one in my hand, nor have I ever, I've never even seen one so I was just making an effort to find out what they were.

And Thanks Very Much all you guys for helping me out! drugs get alot of names and false id'z on the street and your help was fantastic! Thanks ALOT! I'm very happy to know what a Dilotta is and a little dissapointed that there probably isn't really a pharmaceutical 'H' pill.

I doubt I'll be gripping on any of them. I'll just stick to the reg.
(Hive Addict)
05-01-04 18:18
No 504190
      you sure?     

> Pills contain either 1 mg (green tablet), 2 mg (orange tablet),
> 3 mg (pink tablet) or 4 mg hydromorphone hydrochloride (yellow tablet)
> [...]
> Dilaudid is about 8 times more potent than morphine on a milligram basis,
> so if you're going to use it, you'd better use with extreme caution.

so the strongest tablet is equivalent to 32mg morphine? that's nothing!
(Chief Bee)
05-01-04 19:01
No 504199
      route of administration?     

Dilaudid is about 8 times more potent than morphine on a milligram basis

Is that for oral or IV administration? Morphine undergoes extensive first-pass metabolism when ingested orally.

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
(Hive Addict)
05-01-04 22:59
No 504229
      I did't write the film's mini summary at imdb     

Due to the medium's hugely subjective nature take most of what's written about a film with a grain of your favorite hydrochloride salt until you see it yourself. The larger review lower down on the imdb page is bit more accurate than the small summary at the top. Drugstore Cowboy doesn't really stand on either side of the pro/con fence and thus it's overall controversialness.

I think Dilaudid is still about as close to pharmaceutical heroin as you're going to get. A friend of mine who's a doctor quite agrees with that asessment.

Country line dancing royally sucked until black people got ahold of it
05-04-04 04:33
No 504673
      Dilaudid morphine equivalence     

The Johns Hopkins Handbook of Drugs gives the following (abridged):

Equivalence: 1.5mg via intramuscular injection, 7.5mg via oral administration, or 3 mg via rectal administration therapeautically equivalent to 10 mg of intramuscular morphine.

So presumably the 8 x potency number refers to IM hydromophone vs IM morphine.

Interesting, comparitively, is the entry for morphine:
Equivalence - 60 mg via oral administration therapeautically equivalent to 10 mg intramuscularly; however, with chronic use on a fixed schedule may decrease to 20-30 mg.

Note that 60 mg to 10 mg is roughly equal to hydromorphone's 7.5 mg to 1.5 mg. This would seem to imply, unsurprisingly, that hydromorphone also undergoes first-pass metabolism when ingested orally. Unless the first-pass metabolism doesn't kick in until morphine is heavily used (like MEOS metabolism  in alcohol use), and that's the decrease they're referring to?
(Hive Bee)
08-05-04 00:01
No 523666

I ended up trying out an 8mg Dilaudid pill.   I was jonsin out and that was the only thing I could get.

..My Impression?   for the first bit, my withdrawls were gone,  but after the first smoke I smoked, I was very nausious, which sucks.  Someone said that using Hydromorphone and then returning back to Oxycodone would make the OC, look like a joke. 

The truth is, the Dilottas really suck. Anything you can't smoke on really blows.  I was gonna chuck and that was one of the main things that I was trying to get rid of within my withdrawls.

I couldn't believe it, this guy had a D-80, which in laymans terms is a pre-operative dose of 80mg of Hydromorphone.  Creepy shit! for the 8mg that I was on, I was flyin, uhm, and chukkin' . Whatever, at least I felt no withdrawls, but Having had good H once, I would not compare Dilaudid in any way to Heroin.

Heroin just Rocks, there is no comparison... well.
Coke rocks, Heroin is just like your best Fuck.

Du Hast Drug Laws
(Hive Bee)
08-05-04 02:07
No 523697
      if you say so     

chucking etc etc - sounds like a real party

no more opiate ineraction from me...
(Hive Bee)
08-05-04 16:25
No 523808
      "Heroin just Rocks" i found ...     

"Heroin just Rocks"
i found intranasal heroin to be extremely close to that of intranasal hydromorph.   i think ROA makes a big diff w/ hydromorph.   the first time for me was very nauseating as well,   3x4mg=12mg,   i obviously did too much, felt sick for that day and the next.   the trick is don't do too much.

as for 80mg hydromorphones, there's no such thing.   but the are 18mg time release caps.   fucking little beauties.   crush the beads, sniff half and ur flying for hours.   even when i had shitloads of these i rarely did more than two a day (that worked out to $25/day!!!)!!!!

try and and be that economical with heroin!