edo (Newbee)
05-18-04 19:54
No 507949
      reusing Hcl?     

Swim is doing another benzo wacker. He just finished extracting with 3 portions of DCM and separated DCM/ketone from water layer.

Could the water layer be reused to acidify next wacker?

Thanks  smile
05-18-04 20:28
      ok thx
(Rated as: insignificant)
05-18-04 21:01
      cheap as shit
(Rated as: redundant)
05-19-04 03:45
      ditto - cheap as....
(Rated as: insignificant)
(Hive Bee)
05-19-04 18:23
No 508225
      read closer     

to whomever rated my post above:

(taken from dictionary.com)

redundant -
1. Exceeding what is necessary or natural; superfluous.
2. Needlessly wordy or repetitive in expression.
3. Of or relating to linguistic redundancy.
4. Chiefly British. Dismissed or laid off from work, as for being no longer needed.
5. Electronics. Of or involving redundancy in electronic equipment.
6. Of or involving redundancy in the transmission of messages.

I'm guessing you were refering to the second definition, i.e., repetative in expression.

However, if you read my post more closely, you'll discover that not a single sentance that I wrote is in any way repeating anything that has been said with respect to this thread.

Pay more attention.
(Chief Bee)
05-19-04 22:26
No 508263

No, I referred to meaning (1), as the information provided by you was clearly superfluous - while not necessarily being incorrect or anything, it consisted of so obvious statements that it cannot be considered as adding anything of value to the discussion. If you want to, I can re-rate it as insignificant instead, as it could be considered as being that too.

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders