FlyBoy (Hive Bee)
05-24-04 16:51
No 509370
      What's that Funky Smell?     

A few years ago I got a deal on a big hunk of Tar Heroin.  I put it in my pants as to avoid the copps and forgot about it.   Lo and behold I was wondering what that shit was in the back of my pants!?!??  I didn't find out until I got home and checked and found this flat round slab of Black Tar Heroin wrapped in cellophane. So with surprise I took a little chunk off and burnt it, -inhaled.
"Man what was that Stink?!"  it smelled like burning tar from the road. My question is for those of you who know better, Q:"Was this supposed to smell like tar?"  to my dismay I pitched it in the kitchen garbage thinking that it was cut really bad. Then sat down on my bed and got a Rush of greatness, "Yup! this was real heroin" I said but still thought If it smells like real tar than I dont want to be putting that stuff into my lungs.  I went back for the shit I threw out anyway and (this was late at night) and mom shouted out something like what is that smell and something like don't you dare bee touching that shit!
Soon after thinking that I'll retrieve it when mom falls asleep I forgot about it (huge loss) and went to bed.
Mom finds it in the morning and has her way with destroying it or getting rid of it somehow.

I never saw it since....

so... What was that Funky Smell?   Tar or Heroin. That is the question
(Hive Bee)
05-24-04 17:18
No 509376
      What a shame she destroyed it...     

What a shame she destroyed it...

as for the smell... sure you didnt forget about it in your pants and had a bit of a scare? that may be the source of the smells.
But other than that i would agree with you, cut to shit or got some extras added in / leftover.

Its just my opinion, but no-one listens to me anyway, and rightly so...
05-24-04 21:04
No 509435
      acetic acid     

acetic acid break down products
(Hive Bee)
05-25-04 09:32
No 509528
      From a source...     

I was just out minding my own business and I met a budy that bangs OC's , and he use to do Heroin all the time. I asked him if he's ever had Tar Heroin and he said yes, so I asked if it was supposed to smell like tar and he said yes. SO assuming he's a good reliable source, (which I am) I will take his word for it. 

Any other comments about this topic will be apreciated.

as for Acetic Acid breakdown products, -...I thougt that heroin was made only with Acetic Anhydride. I think it was Rhodium that posted that Morphine+Acetic Acid = morphine acetate.

I hope to get some more Tar-H in the future, and this time I am deffinately not going to let it go to waste!

H is for LOVE
(Chief Bee)
05-25-04 10:45
No 509540
      basic chemistry     

I thougt that heroin was made only with Acetic Anhydride

Yes, but one molecule of water and one molecule of acetic anhydride creates two molecules of acetic acid! And heroin cooks aren't known for purifying their product more than removing the largest pebbles and twigs from their brown product...

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
05-25-04 12:25
No 509552

the tar here on the west coast smells just like acetic acid
05-26-04 17:09
No 509812

And people shoot that shit into their veins? I wonder what sort of a rush acetic acid gives?

We'll all meet someday...on the other side
(Hive Addict)
05-28-04 18:40
No 510123
      Acetic acid doesn't give much of a rush.     

Acetic acid doesn't give much of a rush.  It kind of makes you tense, twitchy, and flushed.  Just a little thing I picked up from snorting barbeque sauce on a bet.crazy

It is seductive, way too seductive.             -Eleusis
(Hive Bee)
06-17-04 19:20
No 514041
      re: Basic Chemistry     

>heroin cooks aren't known for purifying their product more than removing the largest pebbles and twigs from their brown product...

Hmm, Does this mean that I really don't have to worry about the codeine in the O if someone were to cook it into tar for me? 

Is the amount of Codeine that insignificant that I wouldn't get a cardiac arrest if I smoked some home brew that contains some Diacetyl Codeine?

Certified Chemistry Licence..  I love this place