Vesago (Stranger)
05-28-04 15:58
No 510048
      H2O2 concentration determination     

Does anyone know of a method for determining the H2O2% in solution?  Perhaps a titration?
(Hive Bee)
05-28-04 16:54
No 510050
      Titrate with KMnO4     

I would titrate it with a very dilute permanganate solution... Be careful though, as oxygen and water evolves violently if the concentration is too high!
05-28-04 17:05
No 510051
      Equimolar amounts?     

Do they react in equimolar amounts?

KMnO4 + H2O2 -> K+ + MnO4- + H2 + O2  ?
05-28-04 17:19
No 510055
      Hydrogen Peroxide Concentration     

Post 461708 (methyl_ethyl: "Failed Peracid Oxidations? Check your H2O2 conc.!!", Newbee Forum) might help, wink

I should have used a different subject title to make it easier to find in TFSE.



     Unipolar Mania, It's good for life... laugh
05-28-04 17:19
No 510056
      Use the Fucking Search Engine !!!!     

If you would have input the terms hydrogen, peroxide and concentration into the search engine, you would have found Post 243407 (lugh: "Hydrogen Peroxide Concentrations/Density", Novel Discourse) as well as others on the same subject tongue

Chemistry is our Covalent Bond
05-28-04 17:39
No 510059

Thanks for the "help", but I need a method that is accurate to a tenth of a percent.  For the record, I used The Fucking Search Engine, and I found that Fucking Thread, but it wasn't what I was looking for.

Methyl_Ethyl - thank you
(Hive Adickt)
05-31-04 11:29
No 510510

with that tone vesage i realy want's to help you.