officer_murphy (Stranger)
06-01-04 16:41
No 510722
      electrolosis of alcohol ion (HELP!!!!!)     

ok so say u had a dry alcohol n made the sodium salt with sodium yes?
 R-OH + Na ---> R-O(-) + Na(+) + H
ok now we do some electrolosis
 Na(+) + e(-) ---> Na (cathode)

here is where i am stuckfrown
(anode) R-O(-) - e(-) ---> ???????????
i came up with 2 possibilities(i think):
R-O(-)  -  e(-) ---> R=O + H (primary/secondary alcohol)
R-O(-)  -  e(-) ---> some form of alkene? + O
im assumin only C H O r present in the molecule
if u can help id be very gratefull thank youtongue

06-01-04 17:37
No 510727
      ok i did some stuff n now i came up with ...     

ok i did some stuff n now i came up with this:(from the top)
*NH3 + R-OH --> NH4(+) + R-O(-)
*CATHODE: NH4(+) + e(-) --> NH3 + H
*ANODE:   R-O(-) - e(-) --> R=O + H

*R=O + NH3 --> R=NH + H2O <<<<its sad i know
do u think this imine will get reduced on one of the electrodes?hmmmmm time to experiment i think
and its legalshockedooops i just remembred i dont have a lab

(Hive Bee)
06-02-04 05:23
No 510831
      your post seems to spawn from the ramblings of     

your post seems to spawn from the ramblings of an excited pre-pubescent student or a old geriatric.

Could you please in future make your posts formated and easy to read, i cant understand what your asking or explaining...

Its just my opinion, but no-one listens to me anyway, and rightly so...
06-03-04 03:27
No 511112
      Good question why     

He wants to electrolyze ethanol?

Perhaps to anodically oxidize it to acetaldehyde?

Surely it would be aldol-ed to hell by the strong ethoxide base present, as soon as it was formed?

We'll all meet someday...on the other side
(Hive Bee)
06-03-04 07:11
No 511154
      ning your guess is as good as mine, thats what     

ning your guess is as good as mine, thats what i thought reading this but to what end???
Your right it would fly off on another tangent before creating anything usefull from what i can scrape from the post.


Its just my opinion, but no-one listens to me anyway, and rightly so...