ally (Stranger)
06-17-04 15:26
No 514014
      ghb ?'s     

swim distilled some gbl today, she's new to this whole game and figured g would be a good starting point, anyway she succesfully distilled the gbl from the other nastys and added the correct amount of reagent grade NaOH, exothermic recaction, stir, stir, i know you heard it before... anyway now she's got this glass of clear (with a slight tint of yellow but she read that's fine) liguid she's not quite sure to do with. she's experienced with g, not much just junk off the street, anyway everything she reads gives dosage in grams and says ghb is a powder but is usually diluted for rec. purposes. now did she somehow fuck up and was susposed to get a powder as a final product? if not how would she go about figuring a good dose of this stuff? she don't wanna die just yet, thanks

love ally smile
(Hive Addict)
06-18-04 10:57
No 514154
      If you evap the liquid, you should get a ...     

If you evap the liquid, you should get a powder, but be careful because its very easy to burn NaGHB.  Also, the powder will draw out moisture from the air so it will be difficult to get it dry.
(Hive Bee)
06-19-04 13:43
No 514306

i would evap as much as posible without risking any loss then put it in a desicator. when its time to store it you should keep it in a sealed container with a bag of desicant in it(you can get these from beef jerky or a box of shoes,just be shore to dry the desicant first)
06-20-04 14:52
No 514466

well guys i found a similar post and it said dosage should be around 5mL and it was right, everyone got off real nice i was told. i took a dose and let it evap like you guys said and it did leave nice crystals, it really helped get the smell/taste out as well since i used a know nail product as my source and distilling didn't seem to get out all the fragrance but after i evaped and mixed with water it had that lovely semen taste, thanks a bunch, love allysmile
06-20-04 15:03
No 514468
      new question     

ok, swim has found a supplier for gbl, she was told they sell 500g for however much (irrevelant) now she thought gbl was liquid form and they said grams, she didn't ask if it was liquid or powder as not to draw suspicsion and sound like a dumbass. she was reading her notes and it says disslove 130g NaOH into 400mL water, then to slowly add 250mL (280g, 2.25 moles) gbl in 50mL portions. So if the stuff she picks up happens to be a powder how should she used it? just figure the amount of how many grams would be equal to 50mL and just add the straight powder to the NaOH solution or should she make a solution of gbl and water first then add? if so how much water/gbl? if that's the case could someone break down the rest of the amounts for me? sorry i'm really bad at math, i'm trying to learn as much as i can from TFSE but my time is limited and people want there shit. or is she just confused and they said grams but the product is actually a liquid?

another thing, anyone have any tips on what to write for the letter of intent? i know gbl is used as a surface treatment, for textiles, and metal coated plastics. afoaf owns a bussiness that deals with home repair and all that could someone maybe offer some tips on how to submit a well written letter of intent (preferably privatly) like what they look for ect? thanks - love ally smile
(Hive Addict)
06-20-04 19:57
No 514515
      GBL is a liquid at STP.     

GBL is a liquid at STP.  Liquids can be measured by mass =)  GBL has an average density of 1.124g/mL, so 500g is ~445mL