Lestat (Newbee)
06-22-04 11:24
No 514802
      3-methylindole from egg white     

Ive just read, 3-methylindole (skatole) can be made from egg white by alkali hydrolysis using KOH or NaOH, on mixing brown flakes of 3-methylindole seperate out. I suggest then recrystallisation from a simple water extraction. I am just going to try this out as I type this and will post my results shortly smile

A politician is like a baby's nappy, it should be changed often and for the same reason.
06-22-04 14:24
No 514828
      Success I think     

I filtered about a half test tube of the solution, and tried HCl gassing, I ran out of gas in my torch that I was using to boil some HCl and it wouldnt boil, so i just put an equal volume of boiling muriatic acid into the egg solution.

Within a few minutes it had seperated into three layers, with a precipitate of brown flakes in the top layer which I think should be the 3-methylindole smile

A politician is like a baby's nappy, it should be changed often and for the same reason.
(Hive Addict)
06-22-04 23:47
No 514922

Any idea how many and what type of compounds there might be in egg white that can crystallize if you gas it with HCl?

Aztecunnilingus Maximus
06-22-04 23:58
No 514924
      I had read on a website on unusual molecules...     

I had read on a website on unusual molecules about 3-methylindole, and the site said that the common synth was KOH/NaOH and the egg white, I had done that but failed to obtain any precipitate, so I just decided to try gassing/HCl in the hope that i would work, I have little experience in organic chem at the moment, but I am learning. I don't see why it cannot work though.

A politician is like a baby's nappy, it should be changed often and for the same reason.
(Hive Addict)
06-23-04 00:17
No 514929

A good conversation partner for you would be halfapint (may God have blessed him with a 1000 sex-and-drug-crazed virgins), the OTC precursor searcher par excellence. He found something about extracting indole from cow shit I think.

But to remain in reality (unless you are extremely hopeless), you should take into consideration that an egg is a complex matrix of 100s of different substances, ranging from sugars to nucleosides. If you gas it with HCl, you will precipitate everything that forms solid HCl salts.

Aztecunnilingus Maximus
(Hive Bee)
06-23-04 00:22
No 514930
      Indole from COW SHIT!!!!!     

Indole from COW SHIT!!!!! lol may be nasty but at least it's not gonna be controlled any time soon laugh

I suppose that there is some possibility of 3-methylindole from egg white after alkali hydrolysis though? From what I read, it's supposed to be a brown precipitate that smells like shite, and that seems to be what I have as far as I can tell, unfortunately I am going to have to get somebody else to do the sniff test properly, as I have almost no sense of smell frown

A politician is like a baby's nappy, it should be changed often and for the same reason.
(Hive Bee)
06-23-04 01:12
No 514937
      How do I upload a picture, I have just taken a
(Rated as: Read the FAQ!)

How do I upload a picture, I have just taken a picture of my hopeful acid/base smile

A politician is like a baby's nappy, it should be changed often and for the same reason.
(Hive Bee)
06-23-04 01:28
No 514941
      Rather eat those eggs     

Lestat, from which dimension you came from? You mention at least in three posts that you read this somewhere and yet I see no ref or link anywhere. 3-methylindole from eggs! Have you any idea how your experimantation makes me laugh? Have you any idea how bad this compound smell? You would have already know if you would have made it. You think it's gonna pop out of the egg just like that, from thousands of other compounds. Besides don't waste your time with HCl. 3-Me-indole is not basic enough to form salts with HCl.

“The real drug-problem is that we need more and better drugs.” – J. Ott
(Hive Bee)
06-23-04 01:34
No 514943
      Here is the link, sorry I neglected to post...     

Here is the link, sorry I neglected to post this, I have been rather erm...strung out all night.

A politician is like a baby's nappy, it should be changed often and for the same reason.
(Hive Bee)
06-23-04 08:29
No 514986
      A critique of the unscientific approach     

You can’t just take an unscientific sentence from a homepage and deduce a whole synthetic procedure out of it, without knowing anything that goes on in the reaction/extraction or at least about the properties of the compounds involved. Details are very important!

Instead of playing with your eggs you might do a literature search and present what you found at The Hive to start a discussion and a possible alternative use or approach. For example, it might turn out that you need half a kilo of egg albumin or ten dozens of eggs for 100mg of 3-methyl-indole! Maybe even wasting 2L of an expensive solvent and performing a chromatographic column!

And yet, if discussing about the reaction, we might find out that what goes on in the reaction mechanism is actually a simple pyrolysis of the tryptophan from the eggs’ albumin. This might led somebee to the idea of using pure tryptophane and pyrolyse it in the presence of KOH to get some smelly 3-methyl-indole. And maybe some other bee would then realize that that methyl group is actually slightly acidic and could bee made nucleophylic with a proper base. Then some other bee would find a way on how to use this property for some new route to a useful tryptamine. You see, it’s all about doing things with care and the imagination under control.

“The real drug-problem is that we need more and better drugs.” – J. Ott
(Hive Bee)
06-23-04 11:25
No 515003
      I agree totally.     

Yes, I agree with you 100%, unfortunately I am neither well off or well equipped, and have to improvise ghetto style gear, and the other problem here lies in my lack of experience, I have very little experience as a bee, I could probably manage a birch reduction, an E/I/RP or maybe even a P2P synth, but not much more unfortunately yet. frown

A politician is like a baby's nappy, it should be changed often and for the same reason.
(Hive Bee)
06-23-04 13:19
No 515024
      try to get the tryptophan     

there was a time when i thought i might take the tryptophan from foods which have a high content of this amino acid, such as turkey. even turkey has only about 2% dry weight of this comparativly scarce amino acid, however. anyway my plan was to hydrolyse the protiens to the amino acids with hcl, as in the stomach, and then precipitate the tryptophan by slowly increasing/decreasing the ph to take advantage of the different soluabilities of amino acids at their different isoelectronic points. even so the precipitated tryptophan would be mixed with at least one other amino acid, but could be separated from these by some other method. of course i planned to collect the tyrosine too.
(Hive Bee)
06-23-04 13:53
No 515030
      How did your little turkey extracting session...     

How did your little turkey extracting session go?
I think there's a nice looking tryptamine synth from milk caseine on rhodiums site, im looking now.laugh

A politician is like a baby's nappy, it should be changed often and for the same reason.
(Hive Bee)
06-23-04 14:09
No 515034
      never actually did it     

i never actually did this, but i really did have the research all done, including the isoelectronic figures for all the amino acids and solvents to separate the tryptophan from the other amino acids. then i found a place that sold four ounces of 99% tryptophan for us $15.
06-23-04 19:03
No 515088
      Literature Search Results
(Rated as: good read)

A couple of relevant papers from a short literature search on the subject of skatole:

Herter and Foster, J Biol Chem 2 267-70 (1906)


Redgrove, The Perfumery and Essential Oil Record pp 193-5 June (1929)

As far as caustic fusion of proteins to get indoles, Polythene_Sam is one of the bees that has posted some useful information;


Chemistry is our Covalent Bond
06-24-04 03:56
No 515135
      Proteins can be hydrolysed by fermentation...     

Proteins can be hydrolysed by fermentation pills for stomach.
(Hive Bee)
06-24-04 11:34
No 515172
      Lugh, how do I open those links that you so...     

Lugh, how do I open those links that you so kindly posted, it just says opening xxx...cannot find server. frown

A politician is like a baby's nappy, it should be changed often and for the same reason.
06-24-04 12:04
No 515175
      Browser Options     

That would depend on your browser, with Internet Explorer you would use right click and select Save Target As; with Netscape and Mozilla, you would right click and select Save Link As wink

Chemistry is our Covalent Bond
(Hive Bee)
06-24-04 12:06
No 515176
      The link must be buggered, it doesn't work.     

The link must be buggered, it doesn't work.

A politician is like a baby's nappy, it should be changed often and for the same reason.
06-24-04 12:37
No 515180
      Browser Problems     

The link works fine, so it must bee your browser that's buggered; unless it's operator error tongue

Chemistry is our Covalent Bond