L42L (Newbee)
06-23-04 00:57
No 514846
      Nitro alkEne direct to amine !?!?!     

Nitro alkEne direct to amine !?!?!

Have been gone awhile and what do I find at Rhodium, nitro-alkene direct to amine!

See “Reduction of Nitroalkenes and Nitroalkanes to Amines Using NaBH4/NiCl2 and Ultrasound” at Rhodium

The only time I have heard of such an OTCish method it was some low yielding electro chem divided cell head-ache.

I tried a few key words in the search engine but failed to see any discussion on this method. So I have some questions (three really), maybee some bee may have some thoughts.

OK so think TMA-2,

1. In the article they use 1-nitro-cyclohexene (BTW, WTF is the diff between that and 1-nitro-cyclohex-1-ene (see article reactant table)) not exactly TM-nitropropenes twin. Any bee care to speculate how the nitrosytrene of asarone would act in this situation?

2.  The article lacks any detail concerning the sonication, I wonder if an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner would do the trick? Any thoughts?

3.  So from vac distilled Indian calamus oil,
Nitroalkenes from Alkenes using NaNO2/I2/Ethylene Glycol  (see Rhodium)
and then,
Reduction of Nitroalkenes and Nitroalkanes to Amines Using NaBH4/NiCl2 and Ultrasound (see Rhodium)
catch my drift?

Any thoughts are greatly appreciated!
06-26-04 21:19
No 515579
      this one doesn't require sonification     

../rhodium /nitrostyrene.reduction.alhg.html


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