Lestat (Hive Bee)
06-25-04 11:41
No 515315
      Need help with amounts     

Hey guys. I really need some help on this, I am really sorry to waste everybee's time with this, but I am dyscalculic (the math version of dyslexia for anybee unsure of this)frown

SWIM has 30ml of 1% ephedrine HCl and 1% chlorobutanol in water, again I am sorry to ask this but I have no idea as to even what the math is to work it out frown.

How much KMnO4 (crystals) would be needed to make methcathionine via a cold-synth?

Please be patient with me, I know this is a stupid question to ask and waste time with this, but I really do have so much of a problem with the math required as for it to be totally impossible for me without aid.
Again, I am really sorry for this post

A politician is like a baby's nappy, it should be changed often and for the same reason.
06-25-04 18:41
No 515373
      then why would you choose a field of study...     

then why would you choose a field of study that you know requires math? this could be potentially dangerous beecuz if you read numbers backwards/upside-down and you "accidently" add the wrong amount of whatever to what what your trying to do, it could go boom. fun to watch, just not up close. try a calculator.

Some people may be on the road to nowhere with drugs, but at least they're taking the scenic route!
(Hive Bee)
06-25-04 19:50
No 515381
      I can actually read numbers, but I have great...     

I can actually read numbers, but I have great difficulty scaling a procedure up, and for me it is completely impossible to scale down a procedure without a friend to do the math for mecrazy

As, for instance, I just have no idea of the math even required to work out how much ephedrine I currently have, even using a calculatorfrown

Things going boom is a risk I quite often have to take.

A politician is like a baby's nappy, it should be changed often and for the same reason.
(Hive Bee)
06-26-04 00:20
No 515425
      I really do need help on this, as I am ...     

I really do need help on this, as I am expecting a child soon, I am going to have a mouth to feed and no means to feed it if I can't get this sorted out soon.

A politician is like a baby's nappy, it should be changed often and for the same reason.
(Hive Bee)
06-26-04 00:34
No 515429
      Why don't you get a legit job then?     

Why don't you get a legit job then?

..we've got to help each other out Cause this is how we all survive..
(Hive Bee)
06-26-04 00:39
No 515432
      Beelieve me, I am trying, but in the UK, job...     

Beelieve me, I am trying, but in the UK, job interviewers aren't in the least bit friendly to my age group and I have had a lot of trouble finding anything. I just need to get back on my feet that's all because my ex is due next month crazy

A politician is like a baby's nappy, it should be changed often and for the same reason.
06-26-04 19:15
No 515560
      post a link to the procedure your using     

post a link to the procedure your using

Some people may be on the road to nowhere with drugs, but at least they're taking the scenic route!
(Hive Bee)
06-26-04 22:30
No 515600
      it's not much to go on, I tried it last nite...     

it's not much to go on, I tried it last nite using a tiny amount of KMnO4, and got some weird shit, knocked me out until about 7 pm the next day, and now things are having weird assed effcts on me, not bad though, for some reason, I'm getting high after just smoking ordinary tobacco

Post 505555 (dextro: "is this methcathion ?", Stimulants)

A politician is like a baby's nappy, it should be changed often and for the same reason.
06-28-04 18:41
No 516015
      i have no idea why you have put any thing...     

i have no idea why you have put any thing other than ephedrine in the solution i have no idea
you mean 1% ephedrin by mass ?
so in 100g of your solution you would have 1g of ephedrine
1g of ephedrine needs 0.38g of KMnO4 im not sure how chlorobutanol will react with KMnO4 i asume in the same way... so you will need to add an extra 0.269 g
so for every 100g of solution i would say add around 0.649g of KMnO4 (posibly a little less to avoid over reducing your ephedrine to icky black stuff)hope its some help for you, and please go to all your local stores and ask if they have some work (nothing should be below you when your unemployed i have learnt this)
06-28-04 19:59
No 516033
      true dat     

when i was outa work, i posted a bunch of flyers for yard work and shit. like a month later this dude calls me up, he needs a lab assistant to wash his galssware. dude went to harvard and is an ex chemistry proffessor, so now im learning more then i would if i'd be going to school, and i'm earning tons of money too. and all i did was sit on the comp and print up a few hundred flyers and then plaster them all over town. cool eh?

Some people may be on the road to nowhere with drugs, but at least they're taking the scenic route!
(Hive Addict)
06-28-04 20:54
No 516046

Are you saying that this ex Chem Professor got one of your flyers for doing yard work only he called you up to have you work as a lab assistant instead?

Or are you also mowing his lawn?

It's time to bone up on your 5 card stud.
(Hive Bee)
06-28-04 21:03
No 516048
      Welt, the solution is 1% w/v whatever that...     

Welt, the solution is 1% w/v whatever that means, but I didn't put the chlorobutanol in it, it was unfortunately in there as manufactured. It's just a dirt-cheap generic ephedrine preperation and unfortunately it's contaminated with chlorobutanol. Thanks for the amounts welt laugh

Kids, say NO to the DEA!
06-29-04 18:10
No 516307
      yea, pretty much     

yea, i put up the flyers with a friend of mine, he's not that smart, and not nearly as interested in chem as me, so he does most of the yard work for the guy, and i work in his lab. he's moving at the end of the month tho, so we're kinda finishing up in the lab and starting to pack, while my friend and his wife are helping the guy go thru all the shit in his house. he's such a sterotypical scientist tho, absent-minded as hell. lol

Some people may be on the road to nowhere with drugs, but at least they're taking the scenic route!
06-29-04 18:14
No 516309
      you should proly try to distil as much of the...     

you should proly try to distil as much of the chlorobutanol out of the solution as you can, what % of chlorobutanol is in it? 1%ephed and 99%chloro?

Some people may be on the road to nowhere with drugs, but at least they're taking the scenic route!
(Hive Bee)
06-29-04 18:18
No 516310
      1% eph, and 1% chlorobutanol, it's largely...     

1% eph, and 1% chlorobutanol, it's largely irrelevant now as I decided to just chug the eph and hope for the best as there wasn't much left from my previous ventures with it.

Kids, say NO to the DEA!
06-29-04 19:29
No 516325
      nvm then, just curious, what all was in the...     

nvm then, just curious, what all was in the solution? %'s too

Some people may be on the road to nowhere with drugs, but at least they're taking the scenic route!
(Hive Bee)
06-29-04 20:15
No 516331
      This is straight forward     

If you have 30ml of a 1% weight by volume, it simply means you got 1 gram of ephedrine in 100ml water. So you have 0.3grams of epehdrine in a 30 ml solution. You will also have 0.3grams of chlorbutanol, used as a PRESERVATIVE for your solution, its not a contamination. The rest is just water so you have 29.4 grams of water, .3 grams of ephedrine and chlorbutanol. Who the hell would want chlorbutanol at 99%. Anybody care to drink it?
The mw of epehdrine is 165.2346 . To find moles just divide your 0.3grams/ 165.2346 and you will get moles(0.0018 moles or 1.8 millimole)

If you got your amounts in grams then its even easier since you know you got 0.3g ephedrine
(Hive Bee)
06-29-04 20:19
No 516333
      Thanks, I may not have the solution anymore,...     

Thanks, I may not have the solution anymore, but it's good to know how much I can get from one botle, just enough for a nano I thinklaugh

Kids, say NO to the DEA!
06-29-04 23:52
No 516404
      i didn't know what chlorobutanol was used for,     

i didn't know what chlorobutanol was used for, i should have UTFSE, but i didn't. my bad.

Some people may be on the road to nowhere with drugs, but at least they're taking the scenic route!