jemma_jamerson (Hive Addict)
06-28-04 17:38
No 516141
      platinum recovery     

trying to recover the platinum from an automotive catalytic convertor. I took out the innards and crushed it up and am now dissolving the substrate with the platinum on it in aqua regia.

This should convert the platinum to chloroplatinic acid. I think when this solution is filtered and dried it will leave platinum chloride?. I'm not exactly sure how to get the chloride out and leave pure metallic platinum.

I think it can be done by intense heat but I want to make sure since there may only be a very small amout of platinum and I don't want to lose any of ittongue

(Hive Bee)
06-28-04 21:10
No 516197
      try this     

use sodium formate as your ligand that drops the platinum
then fire the salt in a flame to make platinum sponge
the formate will make a very fine salt that will take a few
days to participate properly.
or evern try using sodium metabisulfit. it is not as selective as the formate as it will paticipate all of the
gold and platinum group. the bonus is it participates as
rare metal rather than salt. this is the same process
as using SO2 that is used in the cyanide gold route in many
mines around the world.
have a look at vogels quantitive inorganic analysis (I think thats the name it off the top of my head)
it has heaps of ways to get to were you want.
oh and the gas that comes off the metal as it desolves :)
nitrosyl hehe

e3500 console login: root
(Chief Bee)
06-29-04 11:31
No 516335

UTFSE. This has been discussed before.

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