XrLeap (Stranger)
07-03-04 16:19
No 517168
      Have any bee tried this?     

Post 108468 (dormouse: "Dream WoRkS - Oxidation Olefin via Pd Acetate  -SCx", Novel Discourse)

oops i did it again
(Chief Bee)
07-03-04 16:38
No 517171
      Unsuitable for safrole     

Yes, see Post 176601 (racemic: "Pd acetate H2O2 wacker", Novel Discourse)

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
07-03-04 16:50
No 517176
      there is this paper at your site that could...     

there is this paper at your site that could improve yield in shorter time, p-benzoquinone will still bee used but chloride free will give good results with some acid. any bee tried for the ketone that We Know and Love?:)

edit: sorry, forgot to add link ../rhodium /wacker.improvement.html

oops i did it again