Buckshot (Hive Bee)
07-05-04 08:11
No 517527
      mimosa essential oil     

I saw an essential oil named mimosa at the same store that I found tht sells sasafrass oil. It was only six bux so I picked it up, as a side project. Anybee know if this stuff is good for anything? It's dark yellow/brownish and is flammable. Im letting it evaporate but its taking a long time. Im wanting to know if this is the oil of mimosa hostilis?

Drop Bush! Not Bombs.

(The Archetypical "Good Guy")
07-05-04 11:06
No 517538
      steam distillation     

Can't tell you if it is Mimosa Hostilis essential oil, but in any case i doubt it contains anything good.

Essential oils are produced by steam distilling the crude leaves / wood / whatever and collecting the oil coming over that way. DMT is not volatile enough to pass over with steam, so even if you do have Mimosa Hostilis oil, I seriously doubt it contain any tryptamines.

But i'd love to be wrong though wink


Nuke the whales!
(Hive Addict)
07-05-04 13:22
No 517546
      mimosa oil?     

There are hundreds of mimosa species out there, many of them far more common than M. hostilis or M. scabrella.

And like Bandil says, even if it was, it wouldn't contain DMT for sure.

07-05-04 19:09
(Rated as: insignificant)