DoctorGonzo (Stranger)
07-05-04 17:29
No 517660
      failure detection, ideas welcome...     

Hi guys! Today something strange happened to me. I aminated some mdp2p with methylamine, then i did an a/b. When basifying, a lot of brownish raw freebase settled to the bottom of my sepfunnel. Weight was 96g of 'raw base', which i collected with 250ml dcm. The dcm was very dark. Then i stripped off the dcm and water as usual. Then i continued heating under vacuum to get my mdma-freebase out of this dark shit. But i got just about 20g clean freebase, very bad and i can not understand it. When basifying there was so much base (was it base?), what is the rest in my distilling flask? Are there other things which might separate during basifying?
PS: I was nearly running out of naoh, so i used koh to wash the toluene (after al/hg extraction), instead of naoh, which i kept for basifying after a/b.
(Chief Bee)
07-05-04 20:44
No 517692
      News Flash: We are not mind readers...     

I aminated some mdp2p with methylamine, then i did an a/b.

How much is "some"? Using what method and which solvents? Did you evaporate the solvents before doing this A/B?

Then i continued heating under vacuum to get my mdma-freebase out of this dark shit. But i got just about 20g clean freebase, very bad and i can not understand it.

Is this another way of saying that you vacuum distilled your freebase? If you did, at what temperature/pressure did it distill, and how much residue was there left in the distilling flask?

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