StrikesStudent (Stranger)
07-08-04 06:08
No 518164
      simple Q (probably in the wrong forum)     

i just recently had an Opp and was perscribed painkillers! my eyes lit up thinking i was perscribed heroin (Diaphine) only at a 2nd glance i was discusted to see they were "diafine".

i was given it IM in the hospital but couldnt define its potency as i was on so many other opiods. Anyway even if diafine had a potential for recreational use the fact that its in pill form makes it weeker and it doesnt do much for me.

Can any one tell me what the fuck diafine is and how it can be strenghtined if that even worth while

(would i get a belt off it if i dissolved and took it IV?)


Rehab is for quiters
(Hive Bee)
07-08-04 16:14
No 518260
      Maybe it's spelled wrong..     

..,because the only diafine I know of is a film developer.

I'll get all the sleep I need when i'm dead.
(Chief Bee)
07-08-04 17:06
No 518271
      Heroin is Diamorphine is Diaphine     

Diamorphine Hydrochloride is registered under the name Diaphine as a medication for maintenance in heroin addicts since January 2002.

(Taken from Heroin Assisted Treatment for Opiate Addicts – The Swiss Experience (

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders