Pethidine (Hive Bee)
07-11-04 06:07
No 518655
      Help! Intriguing Question about Pharmacies...     

I have noticed it my state, Pennsylvania, that almost all pharmacies, regardless of affiliation (CVS, Wal-Mart, Eckerd, Walgreens, etc.) that there is a section behing the pharmacy counter, usually near the register, but just out of reading range that contains a myriad of items, a few of which I could read were "Acetone, USP", Ferrous Sulfate, Glycerin.  But there are a lot more things there, when I ask about the shelves, the pharmacist says the items are over the counter, and for instance I could buy a bottle of glycerin, but it seems like you need to know what your looking for and then ask for there anybee who knows some other items in this area, or has the same situation in there area, or has any pharmacy exp???  Since they are OTC items, I would THINK that I should be able to go behind the counter to look at them (there is usually a second barrier between these shelves and the actual pharmacy area. 

This has bother me for a long time, all these items I know to available OTC, but can't read what they are, and their placement is precarious...would anyone advise just asking the pharmy if I could look at this area, under his supervision? 

Any insight would be appreciated and supercool of you bees.


Aim at Heaven and you will get Earth thrown in; aim at Earth and you will get neither.
07-11-04 08:31
No 518659
      I'm not a pharmacist, but am very good friends     

I'm not a pharmacist, but am very good friends with one.

As I understand it, pharmacies stock certain non-prescription items/drugs that are kept behind the counter.  I think Insulin, certain laxatives and high grade alcohols fall in this category.
(Hive Bee)
07-11-04 08:46
No 518660
      Axatax...So would a person, under the ...     

Axatax...So would a person, under the supervision of a pharmy, and as long as they didn't stay to long, or act suspicious might be able to get closer to the area, since they are OTC products they can be making a sale...?  Maybe I'll have to try.

Any more info?

Aim at Heaven and you will get Earth thrown in; aim at Earth and you will get neither.
07-11-04 09:09
No 518663
      I've never seen these shelves you speak of,...     

I've never seen these shelves you speak of, however I do know that the Tylenol 1's and 2's are behind the counter.
(Hive Bee)
07-11-04 10:26
No 518669
      looks like there keeping the more ...     

looks like there keeping the more "dangerous" OTC substances out of harms way.
Also where do you think they store presciption medcines?
07-11-04 10:39
No 518670
      Re: Axatax...So would a person, under the...     

Axatax...So would a person, under the supervision of a pharmy, and as long as they didn't stay to long, or act suspicious might be able to get closer to the area, since they are OTC products they can be making a sale...?  Maybe I'll have to try.

Any more info?

Don't know, but I'll definitely ask the friend about these items.

(Hive Addict)
07-11-04 11:02
No 518672
      Interesting items     

Doesn't oxalic acid, fall into this category of interestingly hidden items?

(Hive Bee)
07-11-04 17:50
No 518705
      to 12cheman     

I know the Rx stuff is behind the counter, but this is a specifically isolated area from those shelves, in fact in one store the Shelves are labelled Rx and this totally separate are is listed OTC, but it is behind the counter, I didn't need the sarcasm, just wondering if anyone had practical experience who could tell me whether customers could go to that shelf

Aim at Heaven and you will get Earth thrown in; aim at Earth and you will get neither.
(Hive Bee)
07-11-04 17:52
No 518707
      Thanks Axatax!     

Axatax, thank you for looking into it for me...perhaps some of these people don't know what I mean because in their state they have all OTC things out in the regular aisles...

Aim at Heaven and you will get Earth thrown in; aim at Earth and you will get neither.
(Hive Bee)
07-11-04 17:55
No 518708
      Tylenol w. cod.     


No kidding the Tylenol 1,2,and even the 3 and 4's are bhind the counter...their legend drugs, but I'm not talking about them.

Aim at Heaven and you will get Earth thrown in; aim at Earth and you will get neither.
07-11-04 18:10
No 518709
      Sorry to rain on your parade guys, but you are     

Sorry to rain on your parade guys, but you are breaking a fundamental rule of the hive by mentioning sources.

Refer to: Post 503458 (Unobtainium: "Attention dumbasses of the stimulants forum", Stimulants)
(Hive Bee)
07-11-04 22:55
No 518735
      Sorry to rain on your parade NEWBEE     

Mentioning SPECIFIC sources of chems, equipment, etc is, how I take the rule to mean.  CVS is a widely known pharmacy, and it was used as an example, and had nothing to do with purchasing illicit items, it was a question as to pharmacy practice.


Aim at Heaven and you will get Earth thrown in; aim at Earth and you will get neither.
07-12-04 13:33
No 518879
      "Pseudo OTC"     

Hello Pethidine, I used to work in a pharmacy  when I was younger, and I know what you are talking about. 

Have you ever been to see an M.D. and been given a slip of paper with the name of a drug or product on it?  Not a prescription mind you but a slip of paper that the MD told you to give to the pharmacist or technician.  I will use for example Delsym (dextromethorphan polistirex) controlled release.  This is almost never found in the aisles of a pharmacy (US) however it is not an Rx drug.  This is one one of the many items located in this "pseudo OTC" section.  Other items that can be found in this section are supplies for diabetics i.e. glucose monitoring devices and supplies, pre-colonoscopy beverages i.e. Fleet, "prescription strength" creams i.e. cortisone, tar based shampoos, heavy laxitives, non-prescription loperimide,  non-prescription otic, and opthalmic drops, creams etc.  hearing aid batteries, astringents like witch hazel, IPA, de-lousing products, weight loss products, and there are always some patients that custom order some off the wall remedy (these are usually kept here also).

I think the idea is to keep the "average customer" from picking these items off of the shelf thinking they are just picking up regular strength cough syrup, or shampoo etc.  If someone was to purchase say a high potency cough syrup or extrememely irritating shampoo, and use it on their infant it very well could be problematic for the infant.  I think they are  just trying to cover their asses.  I do not think the majority of consumers would be purchasing these items if it were not under the direction of an M.D.  And repeat users of these products know where they are located and realize they must ask the pharmacist or a technician for assistance in purchasing them.

Of course I would imagine what is located in these sections varies greatly state to state.  And I would also doubt any other countries even bother with such an area.

EDIT To answer your question at least for the chain of pharmacies I worked for you would in no way be allowed to walk up to this section as it was in the pharmacy employees only area, however the items were visible from the prescription processing station (i.e. where you drop your prescription off) which was 1/2 the height of the high counter.  If you go to the pharmacy during off peak hours you should be able to stand at the prescription drop off station and browse to you hearts content smile although I doubt you will find too much that will be of interest to you frown.  If you do see something that interests you just ask the RPh or technician to grab it for you. 



     Unipolar Mania, It's good for life... laugh
(Hive Addict)
07-12-04 15:33
No 518900
      Also, I might add that some European ...     

Also, I might add that some European pharmacies keep some products that have purchase limits upon them, behind the counter. Like these diabetes, or astma things that you mention. They are not controlled or necessarily require prescrption, but are medicines that require instruction in use, or are limited to a certain amount that can be selled at one particular purchase.

Also, they have some harmfull chemicals such as solvents for cleaning purposes and whatever behind there, perhaps so that they can inquire about the possbile intended use. If you buy NaOH from them, they will try to subtly ask what you are intending to use it for. Once you are of age and have a propper reason, then they hand the item to you.

I think the law of some states requires that some items be handed by the personal to the customer to reduce possible harm.

(Hive Bee)
07-12-04 18:58
No 518923
      THANK YOU methyl_ethyl     

That's exactly what I needed to know.  I realize that there probably isn't much there of interest, but I have some weird obsession with seeing anything that I can, especially pharmacy wise ;) 

Thanks again, it really helped.


Aim at Heaven and you will get Earth thrown in; aim at Earth and you will get neither.
07-12-04 23:45
No 518985

are allowed to prescribe up to CS v ,as in codiene here in my state,I know of a pharmacist who would tease us with 1000 count bottles of lorcet 10,who would give me a bottle of codiene cough syrup which he'd mix up himself, by law he could prescribe a bottle every 3 days but only for so long ,I think,when I wuz a professional Dr. shopper that is. you say they said they were otc therefore "for sale" ask to look at them when they arent busy. There might bee some alcohol/solvent there that might bee good for recrystal, It should be of a very good quality,and pricey I'm sure. But IMHO , you cant beat everclear (liquor store) for the price/quality ,its damn near anhydrous. It burns great in my alcohol burner too.

all times, weights, numbers and colors approx
07-16-04 06:15
No 519701
      Must depend on area     

Swim worked in a pharmacy until last Swims area (midwest) the only OTC things behind the pharmacy were diabetic related items (testing strips and such) 
All the products you speak of were available on the shelves in aisles.  I cant believe that Delsym is behind the shelf in some areas...its cough syrup!
(Hive Bee)
07-17-04 15:38
No 519892

delsym in my area is all behind the conter because somebody keeps stealing it all because robo tatses like shit.
