tone3721 (Stranger)
07-13-04 01:55
No 519002
      Geltabs and lsa     

Recently swim has seen gels around that seem very weak, one gets you a slight sizzle. The logic is that a. its lsd layed out weak or just plain wrong or b. possibly lsa. The reason i think it could be lsa is it takes about 5 of em to get a full trip. Ive used tfse to find the dosage of lsa, im thinkin roughly around 5 gels would be significant. Anyone know more about lsa off the top of their head? Would it be possible to go from gels back to liquid or crystaline? How would this be done? Where can i find more info on lsa???

here comes sunshine
07-13-04 02:26
No 519010
      no LSA geltabs sorry     

Sorry buddy, there would not be Geltabs of LSA more than likely it is a weak dose of LSD or very old geltabs.  LSA gives quite a bite of nausea in a sizeable dosage for psychedelic effects to be comparable to a few hundred micrograms of LSD.  Purified crystalline ergot alkaloids from HBWR/MG Seeds or from ergot would not be used by any sensible chemist for anything except LSD, ETH-LAD, METH-LAD or some new wonderful product that would thus be suitable for packaging in dosages that were capsulated or laid in Geltabs/Blotter.  UTFSE

'A Helpful Bee, is a Friend Indeed'
07-13-04 02:39
No 519015
      thats was my initial thought too     

My logic told me the same in the beginning but its just kinda funny, couldnt lsa be laid out on gel but you would just need more? and this is somewhat nauseous. Just a thought.

here comes sunshine