opposite2eve (Stranger)
07-13-04 23:05
No 519174
      Chinese Sassy oil     

SWIM just bought 16oz Sassafras Essential Oil (Chinese) 95% for 100 bucks.  SWIM is now paranoid.  SWIM did research on the company he bought it from and they seem legit.  Should he be worried, using TFSE is getting mixed responses from people who think the DEA is using these companies as a cover.  Any ideas?  SWIM wants to know if he should clear out everything illegal in the house or not.
(Hive Addict)
07-14-04 01:18
No 519237
      You should read żour tarot cards about now.     

You should read żour tarot cards about now.

07-14-04 16:23
No 519378
      Tarot Cards     

SWIM has done extensive Domain WHOIS and checking up on the business and it appears to be legit.  Have any other bees ordered Sassy recently?  Does the price seem about right that SWIM paid?
(Hive Addict)
07-14-04 19:55
No 519408
      WHOIS ?     

You will not get much from a doing a Domain Whois.

The company could be 100% legit, but just reporting every sale of sassafras oil to the DEA.

But I think (=not sure) they just have to report everything above a certain treshold, eg. a liter.

Even if they reported this doesn't mean they'll bust your door right away, probably watch your future activities..

07-14-04 21:51
No 519422
      Just keep it in somewhere safe for a few ...     

Just keep it in somewhere safe for a few months than start you dream, meanwhile, keep reading about other dreams:)

oops i did it again
07-14-04 23:56
      Trust me!!! If it waz a sting, you would have...
(Rated as: misinforming)
07-15-04 04:06
No 519469
      Other Chems     

SWIM has been using TFSE and browsing watched precursor lists.  He heard from another Bee that para-Benzo may cause him some grief.  SWIM had no problems in placing the order for this chem and many other chems for a MM wacker dream.  Should SWIM be wary of who might go knocking on his door after ordering all of these chemicals?  The people SWIM purchased everything from didn't ask many questions and had no problem writing up his orders.  Any more input is greatly appretiated from experienced bees.
07-15-04 05:30
No 519482
      everyone seems to have their own opinion on...     

everyone seems to have their own opinion on the quanity of sassy being reported to authorities. although ive seen one american site in oregon that specifically warns that purchases over a gallon in under 12month period is reported to authorities. prices there were also strangely cheap compared to other sites.. makes me wonder, FREAKING PIGS!!
(Hive Bee)
07-15-04 06:34
No 519502
      16oz = 500mL??? shouldnt bee a problem here,...     

16oz = 500mL???

shouldnt bee a problem here, unless you also ordered chems and equip at the same time... the LE can check about incomming deliveries and their source to see whats in them without having to grab you and look in the parcel.


Its just my opinion, but no-one listens to me anyway, and rightly so...
07-15-04 07:14
No 519507
      Ordered Materials     

All of SWIM's chems and equip have been ordered through auctions or different places.  Guess SWIM was being a bit over paranoid.  However, it seemed way to easy to obtain all of the supplies including equip to dream up an entire MDMA synth.  Thank you all for the info!  Keep it up bees.
(Hive Bee)
07-15-04 07:20
No 519509
      Yes even though its from different stores, the     

Yes even though its from different stores, the LE can check your address for deliveries and see where they are all coming from...

just dont order sassy, chems and equip at the same time...


Its just my opinion, but no-one listens to me anyway, and rightly so...
07-15-04 16:05
No 519582

So even if all of SWIM's equip was purchased through private parties and his favorite auction site LE will still check records?  What happens when they check records and see that someone shipped something to SWIM from their house?
07-15-04 22:52
No 519648

flags denoting where in the world we are may help - maybe a a security issue but have been lead to believe the site is secure. all this cross talk could turn into co-operation
many chems can be couriered no prob

entrapment in the eec is illegal...