StrikesStudent (Stranger)
07-18-04 08:40
No 520098
      coca coca?     

does anyone have an estimate on the price of a key of coke nowadays? The scarface method is lookin appealing now that ive a few quid! Cochambaba (or some shit like that) is the place to go ya? would anyone like to walk me through what one should do and expect (be specific if possible)

Marajuanna!! hey at least its not crack
07-18-04 13:58
No 520140
      Depends where u located.     

Depends where u located. here, right accross the border into mex they go for 6-8 thousand.. i know that border towns into U.S. is 16,000. past couple check points maybe dallas or L.A. is at 22,000 a kilo. more north to say chicago new york ive heard by a friend who deals with some jamaicans in NY. they go for over 35,000. but i think he said they sell it for over 50,000. now once past a couple check point is 50% cut cocaine but still goes the same price.
07-18-04 21:22
No 520197
      Good conex     

OK, if you have no connects, you will pay 35-50.  If you have some real connex and can buy at least a few, the prices are much lower.  On blow of 65% or so purity you are looking at 20K or less in NYC (SWIM deals with Dominicans and Jamaicans there), but only about 14K (this is only rumor, though) in Miami.  For the Midwest (this info is first-hand from a friend from 6 yrs. ago and based on less reliable info from him much more recently), if you have Mexican connections, you can score somewhere between the two.  Pure product is obviously a lot more. 

I think, with all due respect, Alkadelics info is a bit off.  75% pure coke in NYC goes for about a grand.  At 35 ox (rounding down) per ki, that is 35K, so I doubt anyone makes 50K off of it there, unless they were selling it by grams.  Anyone who PAYS 35 is getting ripped off even if they are buying only one kilo and it is 99% pure.

But a word of caution: If you want to be this high on the chain (and remember it is still low enough that you aren't getting particularly rich) then you need to accept two things:

First, guns are required and carried by just about everyone above oz. quantities.

Secondly, you could go down for a long time and they will try to make you roll.  Same with any of your customers.

PS: judging by your inability to post in the correct forum, and your lack of knowledge of prices, I would guess that "moving up" is a move that will only lead to trouble for yourself and others.

Rainbows & Butterflies Forever :)
(Hive Bee)
07-20-04 10:08
No 520437
      "guns are required and carried by just...     

"guns are required and carried by just about everyone above oz. quantities"

that's the biggest string of bullshit i've ever heard,    to propagate such ideas is irresponsible and stupid.

anybody with a brain will not be driving around with guns AND coke, unless they truly want to be in jail for a long time.   if you can't trust your associates,   stop associating.    you don't kill people over a bag of powder.     it's people with this mentality that make the drug scene look bad

EDIT:    kg's go for around $35k canadian in my area (that's just under $26k US).    quality is high.   +80% return upon basing
07-20-04 11:59
No 520448

Maybe in Canada.  SWIM has noticed that anytime he goes to pick something up, people have guns.  He himself doesn't carry a gun for the reasons you pointed out.  But at least in certain cities, everyone using their house as a bse for selling is strapped.

Rainbows & Butterflies Forever :)
(Hive Addict)
07-20-04 18:22
No 520510
      no guns at swif's coke dealer (>1 oz qty)     

no guns at swif's coke dealer (>1 oz qty)