pink_dust_angel (Stranger)
07-28-04 12:49
No 522273
      benzyl chloride synth     

in benzyl chloride synth on rhodiums site how concentrated doesthe HCl have to be?
(Chief Bee)
07-28-04 14:03
No 522281
      Details, please     

Provide a link and tell us exactly which preparation you are referring to - there are several benzyl chloride syntheses on my page.

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
07-28-04 17:51
No 522340
      i am talking about ../rhodium/chemi...     

i am talking about ../rhodium /benzylchloride.html
its the synth that says "Chlorination of benzyl alcohol with conc. HCl "
(Chief Bee)
07-28-04 17:58
No 522341
      10-12 mol/L     

The stronger acid you use, the higher your yields will be. Concentrated 36-37% HCl is the best to use, but you might get away with using the 31% strength too, just compensate by using a larger excess of acid.

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders