homeslice (Hive Bee)
07-29-04 18:35
No 522586
      milky colored dcm     

Distilled dcm as usual from the right source of paint thinner. Its 80%DCM, 5% mineral spirits, 10% ethanol, 5% methanol. The temp never reached 64.5 so i doubt that any methanol or any of the other ingredients got in there. And even if it did, would it turn it milky?

Yesterdays yield of dcm is nice and clear. Man i really dont wanna spend another fuckin day distillin dcm frown Anyone see it before when its milky colored?

edit; ill just distill tomorrow and see what happens

"Drugs and akahol have ruiinnned my life..." -Tyrone Biggums
(Chief Bee)
07-30-04 00:48
No 522669
      Maybe it's wet? Dry it over some Na2CO3 or...     

Maybe it's wet? Dry it over some Na2CO3 or MgSO4 overnight.

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
07-30-04 04:32
No 522689
      Distilling Paint Thinners     

If I was desperate I would but can't u buy straight DCM around your's cheap and it's so much easier. Buy the real thing and then u can get straight into all the fun stuff.

(Hive Bee)
07-30-04 08:47
No 522719
      Pots swims done all the fun stuff, a buncha...     

Pots swims done all the fun stuff, a buncha times. Yeah i can buy dcm, but id just rather not. I dont see how its so much easier either.
I mean its not a big deal that its milky-like, i was just wondering if anyones seen it before like this? Ill just redistill.

Ya think it could be wet even tho dcm and water arent miscible? I dont even know if that would turn it milky. Wouldnt it be a clear liquid in a clear liquid?

"Drugs and akahol have ruiinnned my life..." -Tyrone Biggums
(Hive Bee)
07-30-04 10:38
No 522737
      If you let it stand???     

Does is clear up??
Sometimes I get milky DCM from distilling. But in the end, it turns clear, with water dropplets on top.
Dcm are water are sometimes hard to separate, it takes a while, so maybe if you let it stand, both layers will form.

Remember that when doing a water wash on a Dcm layer, to get all the Dcm out you have to be patient as it takes a lot of time to separate when compared for example to xylene.
(Hive Bee)
07-30-04 11:13
No 522744
      Yep it cleared up overnite.     

Yep it cleared up overnite. It did stand for about 3 hours and it didnt clear up but i guess overnite was long enough. I thought 3 hours woulda been long enough but nope. It even has the water droplets on top smile

"Drugs and akahol have ruiinnned my life..." -Tyrone Biggums
(Hive Addict)
08-01-04 22:20
No 523179

It did stand for about 3 hours and it didnt clear up but i guess overnite was long enough.[

Next time hit it with a Brine wash, let it settle, and it will clear up in 10 minutes or so.

BTW, DCM is "slightly" miscible with H2O

The more wealth he produces, the poorer the worker becomes - Karl Marx