Rasputin (Stranger)
08-13-04 23:54
No 525313
      Question Pertaining To Ketone Recovery From NaHSO3     

Hello All, thanks for taking the time to read my post.

I dont have a problem per se, I just need a thumbs up or a thumbs down as to weather or not things are progreesing as they should.

Backround info:(might help answer the question)
Wacker: Standard MM Benzo Wacker
Washes: 8x500mls 10% NaOH, 3x500mls Bicarbonate, 2x500mls DH20
Bisulfite was actual Bisulfite not Metabibulfite.

After stripping the DCM, I was left with a reddish blob that smelled of Ketone. I prepared the "Bisulfite Reagent" exactly as Elusis' document specified. I dripped in the Ketone, and it crystalized. I filtered and washed with dry alcohol. I went to release the Ketone, and I got an aqueous layer and a thin black layer on top. I seperated the black layer off, and extracted the aqueous layer with 3x50ml of Ether, each Ether wash came off a pale yellow. When I tried to combine the extracts with the black layer(which I think is Ketone?) they would not mix. So I seperated the Ether back off and saved. For fun I extracted the black layer with 3x50ml of Ether, each one came of pale yellow(that is the color of ketone right?). I combined all of the Ether extracts and saved them, I also saved all of the black layer. I am just not sure where to go from here, I was thinking distil off the Ether and see what I get, but before I go distiling off some stinky ass Ether, I would get some opinions from some more expirienced Bees. Do you guys think my Ketone is in the Ether, or in the black slop.

Any help you fellas can give me would be truly apreciated, Thank You for your time.
