Bill_Clinton (Stranger)
08-15-04 20:23
No 525553
      Need some help...     

hi bees!!!

need some help with my hg/al.
i have all prepared like mm discribed. instead of hgcl2 i used hgi.
my problem is that after 1h i can not see some bubbles in my flask. can someone help me???

bill clinton
(Hive Addict)
08-15-04 20:33
No 525556
      HgI instead of .......need help     

Try reading this whole thread as your question is maybe answered here......

Post 480384 (homeslice: "1st time mdma success, kind of", Newbee Forum)

It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.......
-Emiliano Zapata-
08-15-04 20:46
No 525558
      i have read this text this afternoon.     

i have read this text this afternoon.
my al lost his shiny but there are no bubbles visible...
(Hive Addict)
08-15-04 21:40
No 525569
      HgI instead of .......need help     

If you read the posts on using HgI2 in MM Al/Hg Reduction, you would have realized that HgI2 is not as soluble as HgCl2, and HgI2 requires more time to amalgamate the aluminum. From what I have read, HgI2 will require at least 30 minutes to turn the foil into a dull and less shiny form of its original self, and this is the magic moment that MM speaks of.

If I were you, I would not use HgI2 from a tincture bottle simply because you don't know exactly how much Iodine is in the tincture. If you have some Iodine laying around, then make the HgI2 yourself; it's very easy. Just mix elemental Mercury with Iodine, and presto, you get a very fine dark red crystal; it looks beautiful.

So, how much HgI2 do you need for a typical 25g ketone MM Al/Hg reduction? Simple, just do the math....

Hg 200.59
Cl 35.453
I 126.9045 read from Post 483111 (Mercury: "You started the addition way too early", Newbee Forum)

Swim didnt want to wait a week for the mercury to sit in the tincture so swim used HgI2. Swim used 650 mg of HgI2 and let it stir in the meoh for about 30 minutes before introducing the aluminum. Before adding the Aluminum, the water was a slightly yellowish pinkish color. Hard to describe, next amalgum swim will take a picture since he just got a nice camera
After adding the Al and with some intermittent spins after about 7 minutes there were tiny bubbles followed by larger ones at around 10 minutes and this was when began his addition, swim added a little too fast and some meoh poured out his 400mm allihn, but thats a dfferent topic read Post 483220 (homeslice: "Used HgI2", Newbee Forum)

It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.......
-Emiliano Zapata-