bobcat31467 (Stranger)
08-19-04 07:48
No 526254
      The color Green\When heated???     

[green]crazyIve seen some crazy shit in my time, but emerald green when the glaa is heated.  Now there has to be some sort of "logical" ( as Spock would say )explanation.  I am just a newbee tryin to find some answers to my ?"s.  And learn to make my own chili.  Hell any more the chile is much too exspensive and hell i wanted chili Colorado, not chili verde lol.

Wind em up, and watch em "GO"
(Hive Bee)
08-19-04 08:33
No 526260

green 'chilli' usually indicates the presence of antihistamine. 

Does this colour only come out when heated? 
Does it smell lots?
(Hive Bee)
08-19-04 15:11
No 526293
      just a newbee looking for some answers...     

just a newbee looking for some answers... well thats what TFSE is for!
And i dont even have to do a search to know that your question has already had a whole thread devoted to it.
Just make sure you UTFSE next time before asking any questions because youll find 90% of newbee questions have been answered before.

Your an individual just like everyone else
09-09-04 14:11
No 530481
      Only green when molten yes. Stinks to high heaven     

Yes it does stink when molten, however, when it cools all smell and color revert to normal. Well!!!! until the end of the burn then it goes dark brown, and occasionally tastes like one would think.

Wind em up, and watch em "GO"
09-25-04 01:00
No 533026
      Chlorpheneramine most likely...  Bookmark   

Yeah- it's probably the antihistamine or traces of it if it was not removed entirely. I've seen the same kind of gear floating around, and it turns either aqua marine or emerald green, as you describe.

Some of this gear has been outstanding, so I vote harmless on the trace amt. of Triprolidine or Chlorpheneramine. Remember that very small concentrations of impurities can cause visible color changes in the outcome of organic chem experiments, so it's possible this stuff has been removed in large part and the overall chemistry may not be sloppy- but you know, it's also a sign that someone took a shortcut or didn't do one of the steps entirely properly.

Another theory is that it's trace amounts of the green dye used to color pretty the large horse-pill styll 120mg + 240mg slow-release gel-caps. But i've never seen stuff turn purple or some of the other colors used in the gelcaps...