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09-04-04 00:39
No 529446
      Salters Advanced Chemistry : Notes & Outline     

Salters A-level Chemistry

My personal belief is that there are no actual tricks to doing exams well, except that you do need to learn all the stuff in the books. So I think it best to start making notes early. Below is a mishmash of information from classwork, homework, Chemical Storylines (Salters Advanced Chemistry, George Burton, Heinemann Educational Publishers 2000), Chemical Ideas (Salters Advanced Chemistry, George Burton, Heinemann Educational Publishers 2000), and activity booklets (some of the images here are scanned from there). Use them as last-minute revision notes, or whatever you like. noted by the note outline author

It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.......
-Emiliano Zapata-