Crusader651 (Stranger)
09-08-04 04:06
No 530247
      what should i learn before dreaming Ketamine     

Swim would like to know about people who dreamed about Zealot synth of ketamine,and what he should dream about before to have experience,he doesnt want people who hate newbees to flame this post,he only want experienced people to share some wisdom because his only goal is that lovely substance,of course he wont be stupid and learn slowly with security

my primary language isnt english,ask and ill try to clarify
(Hive Bee)
09-08-04 10:00
No 530285
      Re: my primary language isnt english,ask and...     

my primary language isnt english,ask and ill try to clarify

If your primary language is Spanish it'd probably be easier to go to Mexico and get ketamine through a shady pharmacy.

Better loving through chemistry.
09-08-04 22:09
No 530341
      actually it is french     

actually it is french
(Hive Addict)
09-08-04 22:28
No 530342
      Shady Pharmacies     

For awhile you could order ket online froom shady pharmacies but I haven't checked in awhile.

he's either got a lightbulb up his ass or his colon has a brilliant idea
09-08-04 23:46
No 530357
      you mean in canada swim could buy a big supply     

you mean in canada swim could buy a big supply of it? because he has big project for that substance

Thugz for life

R.I.P Tupac
(Hive Bee)
09-08-04 23:47
No 530358
      Learn organic chemistry...     

...or else take trenchcoat's advice and find a way to buy it without getting caught.
09-08-04 23:51
No 530360
      swim meaned what kind of already made reaction     

swim meaned what kind of already made reaction should he try before getting to that dream,what steps should he take,and did any of you did that reaction?

Thugz for life

R.I.P Tupac
09-09-04 23:17
No 530533
      learn that it is not a good drug.     

learn that it is not a good drug (in my mind).
a friend of mine likes to mix it with heroin, then inject it.
maybe he likes it, but he looked very strange to me...
(Hive Addict)
09-10-04 00:29
No 530544
      Is there some particular part about Zealot's...     

Is there some particular part about Zealot's synth that you do not understand or need help with the practicle application?

09-11-04 01:50
      i stand corrected
(Rated as: misinforming)
(Hive Bee)
09-11-04 11:54
No 530831
      if you are bent on making it, you can purchase     

if you are bent on making it, you can purchase a lot of the precursors that are home made in zealots synth such as aluminum isopropoxide, cyclopentyl bromide, and o-chlorobenzonitrile.
09-13-04 02:28
No 531083
      i cant do it right now so i just wanted to ask     

i cant do it right now so i just wanted to ask people who did the reaction or experienced with that drug(cuz i didnt) if it was worth it to make it or you can just buy it in bulk,Swim know how to dream meth,but i want to know if there is anything dangerous or very difficult to do on ketamine and are the ingredient in zealot synth watched (i mean the basic ingredient to make it,not the analogue or one made by Swim) it might be a bad drugs,but im looking for bad drugs too =)

Thugz for life

R.I.P Tupac
(Hive Adickt)
09-13-04 08:26
No 531109

../rhodium /pcp/ketamine.html
C'mon, this is not beginnerchemistry.
Reducin a ketone or dumping a battery into ammonia is'nt that hard, but workin and producing diazomethane ect. that's real chemistry.
Imm sure that the aveage chemist would use his time and monu much bether by bying it. Ketamine is all over the place (or by it from the net)
09-17-04 04:09
No 531715
      thanks hest,thats exactly the answer i was...     

thanks hest,thats exactly the answer i was looking for

Thugz for life

R.I.P Tupac
(Hive Bee)
09-17-04 06:59
No 531730
      Re: actually it is french je vais te pisser...     

actually it is french

je vais te pisser dans le cue

I learned that phrase from a French fellow I met in jail.

Better loving through chemistry.