james333 (Stranger)
09-08-04 20:22
No 530330
      how to make f-base into a solid smokeable form     

How to make a f-base liquad into a solid smokeable form

Searching for knowledge
(Hive Addict)
09-08-04 20:43
No 530334
      Freebase of What?     

And do you wish for it (whatever it is) to stay in freebase form for smoking?

Smoking means that you are burning whatever it is you are smoking. Not recommended with most compounds as it tends to destroy or alter them. Vaporization is a different case though but many who attempt vaporization do not quite hit the mark and end up with smoke.

he's either got a lightbulb up his ass or his colon has a brilliant idea
(Hive Bee)
09-09-04 00:57
No 530379

freebase is an oil. Its sort of ok to burn but its very strong. Remember that tiny bit of FB oil turns to quite a lot of HCl salt. So one spot FB oil = lots and lots of spots of the salt. So watch out or you will blow ya socks off...  FB oil not at all convienent to handle, which is why it is turned to the salt. So you might as well just do that anyway. It doesn't make any difference to the metabolism in the end. Just easier to use. And may be more prone to pyrolysis in FB form too like Chemo said.

MDA/MDMA is an oil too in FB form. In fact most PEA's probably are. Other beez will know more about that, not too sure about that really. PsuedoE is a solid in FB form thou. Well, waxy soft shit, not really 'solid' as such but not an oil anyway.


I don't have a drug problem! ...I've got heaps.
(Hive Addict)
09-09-04 01:10
No 530382
      Free Base of What?     

Freebase meth can bee vaporized. And also burnt and therefore smoked. But it stinks and isn't what I'd call tasty.

I'm not up on my cocaine freebase knowledge but it would sure help to know what kind of freebase is really in question here.

he's either got a lightbulb up his ass or his colon has a brilliant idea
(Hive Bee)
09-09-04 09:44
No 530452
      I'm not sure, but I'm assuming he's talking...     

I'm not sure, but I'm assuming he's talking about how to turn freebase methamphetamine into "ice."
09-09-04 14:00
No 530480
      If ya have been reading the Forums!!!     

I do believe that us bee's have been learning just that,  how to make the freebase "first",  then how to turn it into something smokeable.  UTSFE.

Wind em up, and watch em "GO"