bbeeasheets (Newbee)
09-22-04 04:40
No 532614
      preparing anhydrous MgSO4     

after baking epsom salts for 2hrs @ 200C, the salts when from large clear crystals to a hard white sheet that turned to powder when scaping. i scraped and put in an oven dried mason jar. is this anh. MgSO4?

also can you microware dry MgSO4 and CaCl2?
(Old P2P Cook)
09-22-04 07:28
No 532638
      Anhydrous MgSO4     

after baking epsom salts for 2hrs @ 200C, the salts when from large clear crystals to a hard white sheet that turned to powder when scaping. i scraped and put in an oven dried mason jar. is this anh. MgSO4?

Yes, you have anhydrous MgSO4 now.

All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.
(Hive Bee)
09-22-04 07:54
No 532639
      nuke it     

also can you microware dry MgSO4 and CaCl2?

yes, just put it on a pyrex and nuke it/check it until crunchy and hard frosty white.  U may need to change the position on the turny-tray so it doesn it evenly.
(Of Counsel)
09-23-04 09:40
No 532861

Careful microwaving! Start at low power, heat for a few minutes, let cool, repeat at slightly higher power for a few minutes, let cool, increase power a little, etc.

Otherwise you can have an orange hot spot in the  MgSO4 that will be hot enough to melt the pyrex; the heating is uneven enough to break it also. You avoid this by using a turntable, and by doing the drying in increments of increasing power.

mostly harmless
(Hive Bee)
09-25-04 13:09
No 533159
      I'm still trying to find the proper time and...     

I'm still trying to find the proper time and temperature needed to make DampRid (CaCl2) anhydrous. Anyone know? I have used TFSE and searched the Net, but I can't find this info. crazy

Crank is part of this complete breakfast.
09-25-04 14:01
No 533162
      merck index says     

"loses all H2O at 200°"


(the CaCl2 i buy is anhydrous. you'll notice when it doesn't lose any H2O anymore.)

"And you for sure cant read nor write assembler, idiot." - orgy.
(Hive Bee)
09-25-04 14:27
No 533165
      OK... thanks for the info.     

OK... thanks for the info. I thought DampRid might react differently because of its low purity... guess not.

Crank is part of this complete breakfast.