startinout (Stranger)
11-05-00 13:52
No 66816
      methyl eugenol  Bookmark   

i happen to have stumbled onto some of this chemical, and am pondering taking it through to the primary or methyl amine. i am considering using the benzo wacker then Al-Hg reduction, would anyone like to guess if the methylated secondary amine or the primary amine would be more active.
also can anyone see any problems with the chemical route i am considering. your help as always is much appreciated.
ta ta la la blah blah

blue always
except for at the start
(Hive Addict)
11-05-00 14:24
No 66822
      Re: methyl eugenol  Bookmark   

Primary amines are more active in general, but 3,4-diMeO-amphetamine is inactive afaik.

(Hive Bee)
11-05-00 18:39
No 66852
      Re: methyl eugenol  Bookmark   

Here's something about 3,4-DMA.

You could look through this, too.

use the search engine
11-06-00 00:11
No 66916
      Re: methyl eugenol  Bookmark   

how do you know it is inactive (afayk) ?

blue always
except for at the start
11-06-00 04:41
No 66971
      Re: methyl eugenol  Bookmark   

You could use it to try and make MD-P2P. See my other posts for relevant details.

(irritable and cranky)
11-06-00 06:48
No 67002
      Re: methyl eugenol  Bookmark   

PHiKAL doesn't say it's inactive!
Says it's inbetween MDA and Mescaline according to Military, and according to Shulgin's fucked up "scientific" testing, 70mg iv. did jack shit and 700mg iv. fucked someone up! (No shit! Morons!)
Sounds like it would be sorta worth trying if you had plenty of precursor and nothing better to do.

Wanna do the rumpy pump?
(Hive Bee)
11-07-00 02:21
No 67218
      Re: methyl eugenol  Bookmark   

Maybe psyloxy's thinking of 3,4-dimethoxyphenethylamine.  Mescaline is 3,4,5-trimethoxyphenethylamine.  Anything less than 3 trimethoxy groups seems to make the compound practically inactive.
(Hive Addict)
11-07-00 02:57
No 67224
      Re: methyl eugenol  Bookmark   

What if 3,4-dimethoxyphenethylamine were to be brominated?  Active??

11-07-00 23:13
No 67494
      Re: methyl eugenol  Bookmark   

At what position would you brominate it? Sorry for my structure/property ignorance as it relates to these materials, but check out my name, it explains it all.
I have made the ketone and am intending to take it through to both the primary and methyl/secondary amine in the next few days for a tatse test ont he weekend, will let everyone know how it goes. Have four guinea pigs currently so the results will be statisically valid, i am thinking of a new drug response measuring system,
great, good, OK but I wouldn't pay for it, wack, horrible, dead
Any adjectives i have left out???
bye, as always, buy buy buy buy

blue always
except for at the start
(Stonium's / Changer)
11-08-00 00:16
No 67505
      Re: methyl eugenol  Bookmark   

It would be brominated at the 5 position. Dunno about its activity, but I would expect it to be somewhat more active. But I have no refs to back this assumption up right now.
11-10-00 11:55
No 68356
      black tarry crap????  Bookmark   

Ok so here's what happened, ketone was formed readily using bq/pdcl2, then this was subjected to the nitromethane al/hg amalgam to make the methyl/secodary amine, everything went fine, workup was straightforward until i gassed it with HCl and what ensued in about 5 seconds was instant tar out of solution straight onto the walls of the vessel, I didn't scrap it all out and weigh it but the quantities seemed to match that of the amine i was trying to make.
Anyone have any insights into this mess. A few points to add
1-I used Al turnings not foil as it was late and i wanted to leave it overnight
2-I didn't do an acidic back-extraction from the toluene extracted free-base material, instead i just washed with bicarb, NaCl, dried and gassed
Otherwise all was similar to the method as per Rhodiums site.

blue always
except for at the start
11-10-00 14:22
No 68392
      Re: black tarry crap????  Bookmark   

Do you remember that I said it's extremely sensitive to alkaline / acidic conditions...? smile
11-10-00 23:34
No 68527
      Re: black tarry crap????  Bookmark   

i thought that referred to the demethylated product, this is the di-methoxy which should be somewhat more robust, shouldn't it, (obviously it wasn't?). Not saying I know just suggesting. The di-oxygen five membered heterocycle in safrole/safrole analogues is not that sentsitive but in theory should be more so due to poorer steric hinderance and greater bond strain through the oxygen links but it seems to crystallize with HCL gas without turning to tar
So let's say the di-methoxy is that sensitive how would one go about forming the amine hydrochloric salt?
Your input is appreciated

blue always
except for at the start
11-11-00 13:24
No 68680
      Re: black tarry crap????  Bookmark   

Yes, I meant the dihydroxy compound. The dimethoxy should be very robust. Maybe your special workup is promising new demethylation procedure... smile