KrZ (Member)
03-22-00 10:56
No 108007
      Successful Crude Ergot Alkaloid Recovery  Bookmark   

Put 250g of Claviceps Sclerotia in a blender, added 1L of 5% Tartaric acid and homogenized on low setting for 3 hours.  Added NH4OH 10% solution dropwise and waited until pH reached 8.5.  Let stir in pH = 8.5 solution for ~30 minutes.  Filtered and washed cellular sludge with ~100ml Benzene.  Extracted 4x with 125ml of Benzene.  Extracted benzene 4x with 125ml of 5% Tartaric Acid in absolute EtOH.  Rotovapped down to ~150ml EtOH, placed EtOH in a shallow beaker in a dessicator and left in the dark.  Collected prismatic ~2mm long ~1mm wide crystals 2 days later.  Weight = 1.81g, stored in a brown glass vial, tightly sealed, wrapped in Al Foil in the refrigerator.
    Bright Star
( )
03-22-00 18:55
No 108008
      Re: Successful Crude Ergot Alkaloid Recovery  Bookmark   

Have any spectroscopic instruments handy?
03-22-00 19:10
No 108009
      Re: Successful Crude Ergot Alkaloid Recovery  Bookmark   

What would you like to know?  This is the method used for islolation of "ergotoxine" in the.. fuck.. the sheet of paper is back at the fort.  Anyways.  This is the stuff Hoffman was hydrolyzing to get his LSA.
    Bright Star
( )
03-22-00 23:05
No 108010
      Re: Successful Crude Ergot Alkaloid Recovery  Bookmark   

Hummm ... Aren't ergot alkaloids a mixture of imides?   If a simple IR could tell you alot ...
Where did the extration procedure come from?

But in any case ... Congrats.

Thats step one.  Two to go.

03-22-00 23:12
No 108011
      Re: Successful Crude Ergot Alkaloid Recovery  Bookmark   

Nice! Now over to the big problem - where to find the scletotia...
    randolph carter
03-22-00 23:27
No 108012
      Re: Successful Crude Ergot Alkaloid Recovery  Bookmark   


hell even jlf, alabama has been know to harbour this shit......

or alternately.....
1 kilo "organic" rye berries are manually went through and lo and behold they find approx 7 grams "ergot scleroti"  after a lil "basic" culturin......
a slurry of you guessed.....
a brownish/yellow/greenish slime......
loaded with ergoline alkaloids..........

got details if'n ya need em for kiddie pool scale culture experiments for antarctic climates.....

and no they DID NOT come from bozakium......

randolph carter...
the perennial dream questor...
"remember, love is real(but so are gunz and ammo...), not fade-away, so, pass some on today...'cause it's the end of the world as we know it and i feel FINE!!!..."

03-26-00 05:41
No 108013
      Re: Successful Crude Ergot Alkaloid Recovery  Bookmark   

details details it's all in the details

please mister a little bread for the depraved

(Junior Member)
03-27-00 00:13
No 108015
      Re: Successful Crude Ergot Alkaloid Recovery  Bookmark   

Any idea if Hogland's A-Z is really necessary for ergot culturing?
(Junior Member)
03-27-00 00:13
No 108014
      Re: Successful Crude Ergot Alkaloid Recovery  Bookmark   

Any idea is Hogland's A-Z is really necessary for ergot culturing?
(Junior Member)
03-29-00 07:46
No 108016
      Re: Successful Crude Ergot Alkaloid Recovery  Bookmark   

I know friend of a friend that can obtain ergot from the wild, but how would that friend of a friend go about purifying it, he doesn't want to contaminate his product.0
(Junior Member)
04-01-00 01:34
No 108017
      Re: Successful Crude Ergot Alkaloid Recovery  Bookmark   

The old recipes involve culturing the ergot, growing mass quantities in liquid.  I believe that the additional extraction steps often described in these recipes would effectively purify the cultured ergot.
    Cherrie Baby
04-01-00 02:57
No 108018
      Re: Successful Crude Ergot Alkaloid Recovery  Bookmark   

Claviceps paspali is much easier to grow than C purpurea. C purpurea will not produce much LSAs when grown in liquid culture in the lab but C. paspali grows more quickly and produces large amounts of paspalic acid when grown in liquid culture. The paspalic acid is easy to convert to lysergic acid under basic catalysis - like safrole to isosafrole - it just involves the migration of a double bond see Helv. Chim. Acta. 1964, vol 47, 1052; also Helv. Chim. Acta. 1968, vol 51, 1372.

I don't think you need Hogland's A-Z at all - any old rubbish would probably suffice - but make sure you include all essential minerals and vitamins.

(Junior Member)
04-04-00 06:45
No 108019
      Re: Successful Crude Ergot Alkaloid Recovery  Bookmark   

Randolph Carter, would you mind emailing me that kiddie pool sized culture experiment.  Kanada is almost antarctic.....

    Ser Olmy
04-08-00 23:24
No 108020
      Re: Successful Crude Ergot Alkaloid Recovery  Bookmark   

Gee, yet another thread on the Hive today that was brought up months ago by the One Who Is Flamed and Erased ... can we say hypocrisy? can we say jealousy?  Can we say short sited, ham fisted censorship?

I guess we *can*!

C'mon be man and women enough to apologize to the One you wrong!

(btw I ain't him! or anybody he knows)

    Ser Olmy
04-08-00 23:26
No 108021
      Re: Successful Crude Ergot Alkaloid Recovery  Bookmark   

here's a hint:

put excess tryptophan in the growing medium!

    Ser Olmy
04-09-00 02:34
No 108022
      Re: Successful Crude Ergot Alkaloid Recovery  Bookmark   

My stars, I found the archived thread and it was Krz himself who flamed the original poster of this ergot idea - soundly, too... my how the worm turns! More than a year ago...
04-09-00 04:06
No 108023
      Re: Successful Crude Ergot Alkaloid Recovery  Bookmark   

I believe it was the culturing that was flamed more than anything, if I remember correctly. Also there was something to the effect of you could do it but the volume required would be rather unmanageable, certainly not impossible. But KrZs extraction method leaves to question numerous molecules that could have tagged along, and I wonder what references he could supply on this one.  I seem to remember the figure of 2g/L as cropping up, even with tryptophan injection, and even then there was the question of extraction.  Most of the migraine medication is actually prepared by yeasts now oddly enough, YACS can hold alot of DNA.  Most_Hated certainly could never do any of it.
    Ser Olmy
04-09-00 04:44
No 108024
      Re: Successful Crude Ergot Alkaloid Recovery  Bookmark   

Lame, very very lame.
    Ser Olmy
04-09-00 04:47
No 108025
      Re: Successful Crude Ergot Alkaloid Recovery  Bookmark   

Oh, know him do ya? Typical backpedaling pseudo-chem wannaBee . If you KNEW 1% of what you purport to, you'd be a dangerous hippy.
04-10-00 02:51
No 108026
      Re: Successful Crude Ergot Alkaloid Recovery  Bookmark   

I'm his apprentice.  You're a real fucking moron most_baited, lets hear what groundbreaking info you have to enlighten us with.  Or would you like to just continue being a vague little shit?
    Ser Olmy
04-10-00 04:32
No 108027
      Re: Successful Crude Ergot Alkaloid Recovery  Bookmark   

Your hands are empty, not his.
04-10-00 15:42
No 108028
      Re: Successful Crude Ergot Alkaloid Recovery  Bookmark   

Tell the story or shut up.
It's so obvious that he craves for respect. But that has to be earned, nobody will kiss his ass for free.
    rev drone
04-10-00 17:12
No 108029
      Re: Successful Crude Ergot Alkaloid Recovery  Bookmark   


Sure they will! Oh wait, nevermind. For a second I thought you wrote "nobody will kick his ass for free."

Sorry; my mistake

-the good reverend drone

Ipsa scientia potestas est

    Ser Olmy
04-11-00 04:22
No 108030
      Re: Successful Crude Ergot Alkaloid Recovery  Bookmark   

You are the one picking up his crumbs, in this thread, after you yourself shit on the whole idea with great violence.

Injustice and the weakling's arrogance are in your marrow.

Face it, baby, facts are facts.

04-11-00 14:44
No 108031
      Re: Successful Crude Ergot Alkaloid Recovery  Bookmark   

You are boring telvoid. Come up with something better.