dormouse (Member)
04-20-00 20:05
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      Photographic chemicals -Labrat  Bookmark   

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Author  Topic:   Photographic chemicals 
Member   posted 05-26-98 10:52 AM          
Photography is a great hobby for the underground chemist. A lot of good things can be bought at the chem outlet, just by saying you're gonna use it to make nice pictures. For example PdCl2, aqeous HBr, LiI, it's all used in photography. I was wondering if anyone out here knows a good book (the title) wherein a description is given which chemicals are used for what processes. Lr/
Eddi the Slug
unregistered   posted 05-26-98 05:44 PM           
Just go down to your local public library and look under "photography". You'll find lotsa neat stuff.
Eddi the Slug
unregistered   posted 05-26-98 05:44 PM           
Just go down to your local public library and look under "photography". You'll find lotsa neat stuff.
Member   posted 05-28-98 08:40 AM          
Jeez, didn't you think that I've checked out my own library BEFORE posting to this site? I really did and came up with empty hands, at least what I was looking for. I am looking for a book concerning photographic chemicals, wherein is explained what uses certain chemicals have. This way I can answer certain questions certain people will ask me when getting stuff from the chem outlet, comprende? Are there any good booktitles on photographic chemistry. I bet there are. Lr/
Member   posted 05-28-98 08:40 AM          
Jeez, didn't you think that I've checked out my own library BEFORE posting to this site? I really did and came up with empty hands, at least what I was looking for. I am looking for a book concerning photographic chemicals, wherein is explained what uses certain chemicals have. This way I can answer certain questions certain people will ask me when getting stuff from the chem outlet, comprende? Are there any good booktitles on photographic chemistry. I bet there are. Lr/
Junior Member   posted 05-28-98 02:21 PM          
My library didn't have any either. My bet would be that Eastman Kodak produces one. Possibly check with your local bookseller, with reference to publishers.
Junior Member   posted 05-28-98 02:21 PM          
My library didn't have any either. My bet would be that Eastman Kodak produces one. Possibly check with your local bookseller, with reference to publishers.
Bright Star
Member   posted 05-28-98 03:22 PM          
In the yellow pages...
Photography Supply...or
Photographic Supply... You get the Idea.
They're names escape me... but they're different for each town. If you call Kodak 1-800# They will gladly tell you their nearest outlet/distribution center. The number is on the back of every roll of film.

Bright Star
Member   posted 05-28-98 03:22 PM          
In the yellow pages...
Photography Supply...or
Photographic Supply... You get the Idea.
They're names escape me... but they're different for each town. If you call Kodak 1-800# They will gladly tell you their nearest outlet/distribution center. The number is on the back of every roll of film.

unregistered   posted 05-28-98 04:05 PM           
Well, about the only thing I can tell you is bromide makes nice sepia tones :-)
You might wish to be a little careful trying to "play up" the avid photographer thing you know you'll arouse the curiosity of someone in the store with your professionalism and he'll ask you what camera body you have, or what processing equipment you use.

Hell, just say your brother is a photographer , is away at University and asked you to send him supplies or something...

Good luck.


unregistered   posted 05-28-98 04:05 PM           
Well, about the only thing I can tell you is bromide makes nice sepia tones :-)
You might wish to be a little careful trying to "play up" the avid photographer thing you know you'll arouse the curiosity of someone in the store with your professionalism and he'll ask you what camera body you have, or what processing equipment you use.

Hell, just say your brother is a photographer , is away at University and asked you to send him supplies or something...

Good luck.


Member   posted 05-29-98 09:23 AM          
It might be an easy streak for anybody who lives in America to find books about photographic chemistry and all, but in Holland it is a lot tougher! In our yellow pages you cannot look under the header
PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLY, simply because there is no such thing!!! And calling American companies is not something I have always wanted to do ($2/minute from my country). So I'm gonna ask very specifically NOT FOR any comments, but for a BOOK TITLE. Come on people, there must be at least one bee who can read and can give me a booktitle! Lr/
Member   posted 05-29-98 09:23 AM          
It might be an easy streak for anybody who lives in America to find books about photographic chemistry and all, but in Holland it is a lot tougher! In our yellow pages you cannot look under the header
PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLY, simply because there is no such thing!!! And calling American companies is not something I have always wanted to do ($2/minute from my country). So I'm gonna ask very specifically NOT FOR any comments, but for a BOOK TITLE. Come on people, there must be at least one bee who can read and can give me a booktitle! Lr/
Member   posted 05-29-98 12:51 PM          
Ah Labrat, my fine curious rodent, I have the answer to your probles; just check out this site to "Develope" your photographic curiosity! 
Happy hunting! :-)

Member   posted 05-29-98 12:51 PM          
Ah Labrat, my fine curious rodent, I have the answer to your probles; just check out this site to "Develope" your photographic curiosity! 
Happy hunting! :-)

Member   posted 05-29-98 01:09 PM          
ReFlux, that is such an EXCELLENT reference, and very thorough. I am reading through ALL of it just for the pleasure.
Member   posted 05-29-98 01:09 PM          
ReFlux, that is such an EXCELLENT reference, and very thorough. I am reading through ALL of it just for the pleasure.
unregistered   posted 06-01-98 08:41 AM           
What items are commondly ordered with Glacial Acid in the photography world?
unregistered   posted 06-01-98 08:41 AM           
What items are commondly ordered with Glacial Acid in the photography world?
bootie rocket
unregistered   posted 06-01-98 11:10 AM           
GAA used to be used comonly as "stop bath concentrate" now they use citric acid.
It is very interesting how many photgraphic chemicals are in the otc xtc method, I'm calling it "photographic xtc" heh-heh
bootie rocket
unregistered   posted 06-01-98 11:10 AM           
GAA used to be used comonly as "stop bath concentrate" now they use citric acid.
It is very interesting how many photgraphic chemicals are in the otc xtc method, I'm calling it "photographic xtc" heh-heh
unregistered   posted 06-01-98 01:34 PM           
Thanks ReFlux & bootie rocket, that seanet site helped tremendouisly. It seems that Glacial Acidic acid would be alright to order by itself with the "stop bath or hardening bath" lingo, but if anybody would have any suggestions on other products to order with it to reduce suspition it would help.
unregistered   posted 06-01-98 01:34 PM           
Thanks ReFlux & bootie rocket, that seanet site helped tremendouisly. It seems that Glacial Acidic acid would be alright to order by itself with the "stop bath or hardening bath" lingo, but if anybody would have any suggestions on other products to order with it to reduce suspition it would help.
Member   posted 06-01-98 03:56 PM          
There's no reason to sweat buying your glacial acetic stop bath all by itself, as it's no big deal. But if you really wanted, you could combine it's purchase with some print 'developer' (like Kodak D-11) and/or some 'fix' (like D-76). Both are sold as vacuum-packed powders.
Member   posted 06-01-98 03:56 PM          
There's no reason to sweat buying your glacial acetic stop bath all by itself, as it's no big deal. But if you really wanted, you could combine it's purchase with some print 'developer' (like Kodak D-11) and/or some 'fix' (like D-76). Both are sold as vacuum-packed powders.
bootie rocket
unregistered   posted 06-01-98 07:25 PM           
hey why not buy some KBr or KI too, or some formalin and ammonium chloride
bootie rocket
unregistered   posted 06-01-98 07:25 PM           
hey why not buy some KBr or KI too, or some formalin and ammonium chloride
Member   posted 06-02-98 09:50 AM          
Reflux: you seem to understand what the Labrat needs. This was EXACTLY what he needed. Thanx man, if you need to know anything from me, do not hesitate to ask it! I'll do everything in my power to answer that question of yours. Cuz that's the way it goes: bees helping out eachother, isn't it great? Lr/
Member   posted 06-02-98 09:50 AM          
Reflux: you seem to understand what the Labrat needs. This was EXACTLY what he needed. Thanx man, if you need to know anything from me, do not hesitate to ask it! I'll do everything in my power to answer that question of yours. Cuz that's the way it goes: bees helping out eachother, isn't it great? Lr/
Member   posted 06-02-98 02:19 PM          
Labrat- You said it man! If we can each harness each other's talents and resources nothing can stop us!
Member   posted 06-02-98 02:19 PM          
Labrat- You said it man! If we can each harness each other's talents and resources nothing can stop us!
Member   posted 06-17-98 10:15 PM          
when jimwig was a wee little wig in the days of yore he purchased anything that his little heart desired from photocentral. but lately since putting on his newly acquired striped suit and wings and going to the photocentral the man there said the shelves stopped being laden with a desired photochems years before.
Special order? That's what jimwig though too.

The inteernet? The photographer's formulary.
Yes. But oh those prices.

What did happen to all that hydroquinone and metal little darkroom person jimwig used to use. it must have turned into the light.

Member   posted 06-17-98 10:15 PM          
when jimwig was a wee little wig in the days of yore he purchased anything that his little heart desired from photocentral. but lately since putting on his newly acquired striped suit and wings and going to the photocentral the man there said the shelves stopped being laden with a desired photochems years before.
Special order? That's what jimwig though too.

The inteernet? The photographer's formulary.
Yes. But oh those prices.

What did happen to all that hydroquinone and metal little darkroom person jimwig used to use. it must have turned into the light.

Member   posted 06-18-98 08:48 AM          
Labrat: The way I got all the photography stuff was easy. I went to a pharmcist (Apotiek ?) & explained that I wanted to make some very large photographs and I had just been to a nearby photography shop but their price for was . Tell them that the shop suggested that you tried THAT pharmacist (if the photography shop did that a lot, the pharmacist would make extra cash so the pharmacist has a vested interest in making you happy)
They will have to order, but they will feel good about helping you save money.
Pharmacists can order all chemicals except listed ones. Of course they arn't going to sell you anything dangerous.
It is great when it arrives with all the 'Not for sale to the public' stickers all over it. The pharmacist won't KNOW until the stuff arrives, and if s/he likes you and TRUSTS you then they arn't really going to send it back, especially if you tell them that you have a deadline and won't meet it if you have to order from somewhere else.

I use 3 chemists, all nice people who wish to help the creative but cash-starved. I love them alll....

Best wishes to you all,

P.S. I know Dutch chemists arn't as good as the U.K equivelent, but if you are stuck, get the ferry to England and go on an ordering spree! By the way, can I ask which city you are nearest ? I'm a fan of the dutch house/techno clubs in Amsterdam/Rotterdam/Tilberg and even Breda...

Member   posted 06-18-98 08:48 AM          
Labrat: The way I got all the photography stuff was easy. I went to a pharmcist (Apotiek ?) & explained that I wanted to make some very large photographs and I had just been to a nearby photography shop but their price for was . Tell them that the shop suggested that you tried THAT pharmacist (if the photography shop did that a lot, the pharmacist would make extra cash so the pharmacist has a vested interest in making you happy)
They will have to order, but they will feel good about helping you save money.
Pharmacists can order all chemicals except listed ones. Of course they arn't going to sell you anything dangerous.
It is great when it arrives with all the 'Not for sale to the public' stickers all over it. The pharmacist won't KNOW until the stuff arrives, and if s/he likes you and TRUSTS you then they arn't really going to send it back, especially if you tell them that you have a deadline and won't meet it if you have to order from somewhere else.

I use 3 chemists, all nice people who wish to help the creative but cash-starved. I love them alll....

Best wishes to you all,

P.S. I know Dutch chemists arn't as good as the U.K equivelent, but if you are stuck, get the ferry to England and go on an ordering spree! By the way, can I ask which city you are nearest ? I'm a fan of the dutch house/techno clubs in Amsterdam/Rotterdam/Tilberg and even Breda...

Member   posted 06-18-98 08:56 AM          
but there price for YOUR CHEMICAL was MADE UP HUGE PRICE.

put in some symbols that chopped the words out!

Member   posted 06-18-98 08:56 AM          
but there price for YOUR CHEMICAL was MADE UP HUGE PRICE.

put in some symbols that chopped the words out!

Member   posted 06-18-98 10:40 AM          
Piglet: the problem for me is NOT where to order the shit I want, but WHAT EXCUSE shall I use to get it. Those guys at the chem outlet can really give you a hard time if you don't know right away what you're gonna use that certain chemical for. It's professional to know exactly what a chemical is used for and will keep you out of trouble. Get it?
BTW, what the hell are you trying to achieve with this:
>I know Dutch chemists arn't as good as the U.K equivelent...
Yeah, but what do you know? Probably little, cuz it's based on jack shit.

>By the way, can I ask which city you are nearest ? I'm a fan of the dutch house/techno clubs in Amsterdam/Rotterdam/Tilberg and even Breda...
Sure, you can ask, but I won't answer this one. Holland is a nice place where 15 million people live, try to find me there. BTW, it's not Tilberg, but Tilburg. Lr/
Member   posted 06-18-98 10:40 AM          
Piglet: the problem for me is NOT where to order the shit I want, but WHAT EXCUSE shall I use to get it. Those guys at the chem outlet can really give you a hard time if you don't know right away what you're gonna use that certain chemical for. It's professional to know exactly what a chemical is used for and will keep you out of trouble. Get it?
BTW, what the hell are you trying to achieve with this:
>I know Dutch chemists arn't as good as the U.K equivelent...
Yeah, but what do you know? Probably little, cuz it's based on jack shit.

>By the way, can I ask which city you are nearest ? I'm a fan of the dutch house/techno clubs in Amsterdam/Rotterdam/Tilberg and even Breda...
Sure, you can ask, but I won't answer this one. Holland is a nice place where 15 million people live, try to find me there. BTW, it's not Tilberg, but Tilburg. Lr/
Member   posted 06-18-98 01:02 PM          
Piglet, or any UK bee's; Could you help with some info on the chill clubs and happenings in London? I'll be spending five days in the beginning of July...
Thanks, B.

Member   posted 06-18-98 01:02 PM          
Piglet, or any UK bee's; Could you help with some info on the chill clubs and happenings in London? I'll be spending five days in the beginning of July...
Thanks, B.

Cherrie Baby
Member   posted 06-18-98 05:32 PM          
Tune your news reader to
I recommend a "party" - but you must phone up the free party telephone line - I'm not sure what this is right now.

Fridge (in Brixton) is OK for a Friday night (very acid-techno).

Cherrie Baby
Member   posted 06-18-98 05:32 PM          
Tune your news reader to
I recommend a "party" - but you must phone up the free party telephone line - I'm not sure what this is right now.

Fridge (in Brixton) is OK for a Friday night (very acid-techno).

unregistered   posted 06-19-98 01:21 AM           
He meant "chemist" as in the british word for "pharmacist." Quaint and rather confusing in this forum... 

unregistered   posted 06-19-98 01:21 AM           
He meant "chemist" as in the british word for "pharmacist." Quaint and rather confusing in this forum... 

unregistered   posted 06-19-98 06:58 AM           
unregistered   posted 06-19-98 06:58 AM           
All times are CT (US)
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