dormouse (Member)
04-21-00 07:32
No 108491
      Substitute for NaI in TMSCl Reductions? -ReFlux  Bookmark   

Author  Topic:   Substitute for NaI in TMSCl Reductions? 
Member   posted 09-01-98 02:17 PM          
Referring to the topic of hypothetically reducing ephedrine to meth. using chlorotrimethylsilane + NaI + Acetonitrile (see Tett. Lett. Vol. 28, 33 Pg3817-3818 (1987) also see various topics regarding this reaction in this forum), Is it possible to substitute the Sodium Iodide (NaI) with potassium Iodide (KI)?
The reasons are obvious, in that KI is used in table salt and is easier to obtain.

What are your thought?


Administrator   posted 09-02-98 05:54 PM          
The KI in table salt is present in amounts less than 0.01% - not extractable.
Member   posted 09-02-98 06:32 PM          
I understand that, but since it is used in the table salt industry, it can be purchased more readily and is also much cheaper.