(Hive Bee)
09-04-02 09:22
No 352611
      elemicin rich ocimum carnosum
(Rated as: excellent)

abstract: a review, with refs. ocimum carnosum being an exotic south american species, has
been developed as a rich source of natural elemicin which forms the base material for
synthesis of anti-bacterial drug Septran. the details regarding its various aspects viz.
morphol., cytol., breeding and improvement, agro-technol., phytochem. and economics of the
crop are discussed in the present communication. the strain thus offers a potential source
of natural elemicin which is of great use to pharmaceutical cum flavoring industry in India.

journal of medicinal and aromatic plant sciences 2001 23(3): 435-439 (english)
(Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, CODEN JMASF6)
"elemicin rich ocimum carnosum -an overview"
M. K. Khosla, Mala Bhasin, R. K. Thappa
(Regional Research Laboratory, Jammu Tawi 180 001, India)

[CAS 200 136: 330266]