(Chief Bee)
10-06-02 19:37
No 365257
      Secondary Amine Synthesis Review
(Rated as: excellent)

Anyone want a 27-page review article with almost 200 references on how to synthesize secondary amines? smile

../rhodium/pdf /secondary.amine.synth.review.pdf
10-06-02 22:00
No 365328
      Naturlich  Bookmark   

Du meine Güte! Das nächste Mal, du brauchst fragen nicht.  Ich werde es sofort gelesen...............

Das .pdf gefällt mir gut.  Danka Schon!

(Hive Bee)
10-06-02 23:09
No 365354
      dunno...  Bookmark   

I dunno Rh... don't you think that somebee might abuse the article for his syntheses of not-so-legal N-methyl-amphetamine analogues... ?
Anyway, the article looks another interesting addition to my collection of necessary literature. Nice references as well. If only you knew what kind of hard times you give our librarians... wink

WOMAN.ZIP: Great Shareware, but be careful of viruses...
(Hive Bee)
10-07-02 03:06
No 365426
      hehe  Bookmark   

GC_MS oh... for sure :) i agree....

[pH]armacist - Never underestimate the power of retrosynthesis. Svenskar suger på fotboll!