RedMonn_16 (Hive Bee)
01-04-03 16:17
No 395469
      Another Evil Ketamine Thread.  Bookmark   

Reflux ketamine with xss LAH in dry ether at a high temperature for an extended period of time.

The end product, 1-methylamino-1-phenylcyclohexane, will be quite active.
(Hive Bee)
01-04-03 16:19
No 395470
      Re: The end product, ...  Bookmark   

The end product, 1-methylamino-1-phenylcyclohexane, will be quite active.

Do you know this from personal experience? SWIM doesn't doubt that it'd be active, but is it active in a nice way?


01-04-03 16:26
(Rated as: redundant)
(PVC-Analog Taste-Tester)
01-05-03 19:25
No 395671
      refs please..  Bookmark   

  Phenylcyclohexylamines are a serious "hobby" of mine, so next time, please provide refs or tell of personal experience, rather than a few sentences.

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