blasephilomath (Stranger)
02-14-03 19:52
No 408001
      Betel oil derivative called 'ampocanie.0  Bookmark   

Amphetamineocaine, or 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyalphamethylphenylethylamine, is made from the substituted allyl benzene of the Betel Nut, from which a numbing Asian and SE Asian snuff comes from.  Titrate the dosage accordingly.--AP.

* * *

"Your gone wind up in some factory that fills up with the small town with nowhere left to go.  Come back to an empty house tonight, sit around all by yourself; must be time for penintance, gardening at knight just never worked." 

"Gardening at night.
Gardening at night.
Gardening at night.

"Well, I know it might be strange but I believe he'll be coming back before too long."--_Eponymous_ by R.E.M.
(Chief Bee)
02-15-03 11:27
No 408207
      eugenolamphetamine  Bookmark   

3-methoxy-4-hydroxyalphamethylphenylethylamine is the amphetamine corresponding to eugenol. It is inactive, and you are just imagining things.
(Hive Bee)
02-15-03 13:30
No 408247
      imagining  Bookmark   

3-methoxy-4-hydroxyalphamethylphenylethylamine is the amphetamine corresponding to eugenol. It is inactive, and you are just imagining things

Imagining things, yes... but don't underestimate the power of 'imagining things', dear Rh smile. For instance, whenever I think back to a certain trip in the past, I feel warm tinkling in my toes. When I am consuming, I feel the same. I never had felt this until I tried MDMA for the very first time in my life. And since then, I feel it regularly when I just think of a trip. Even more, I start feeling it when I am really really happy, without being under the influence of any psychedelic or stimulant (well, don't count coffe here, hehe..)! The human mind is a most complex thing...

Abusus non tollit usum