11-17-03 21:39
No 471419
      A modified Pd catalysed reductive amination
(Rated as: excellent)

Berdini V. ; Cesta M.C. ; Curti R. ; D'Anniballe G. ; Bello N.D. ; Nano G. ; Nicolini L. ; Topai A. ; Allegretti M
Tetrahedron 58 (2002) 5669-5674 (

Abstract: New, extended applications of a modified palladium catalysed reductive amination procedure are described; a mechanistic hypothesis alternative to the common imine pathway is proposed. This versatile method advances the usual reductive amination processes in terms of yield and shows high stereoselectivity whether applied to constrained carbonyl compounds.

PS: Search engine of Rh's archive has been broken for a long time now...
(Chief Bee)
11-17-03 23:10
No 471435
      Old, but unknown     

I've recently had a completely transparent on-the-fly data compression function installed on my site (when a page is requested, the server compresses the page and sends a lot smaller file to the requester, where it is decompressed in the browser without delay).

Because of certain issues with that new function, the search engine will be offline another short while.

The article you posted has been discussed earlier in Post 335851 (Sunlight: "MDA and MDMA from CTH reductive amination", Novel Discourse), but as there is no abstract to it in the original post your post has a purpose.