PolytheneSam (Master Searcher)
07-28-01 11:12
No 199568
      polystyrene film standard  Bookmark   

Make your own polystyrene film standard for IR spec use.


Here's the spectrum taken by a Perkin Elmer model 700 IR spec in 1968.  I have a copy of another polystyrene spectrum with better resolution that I got from the library. 

(Master Searcher)
08-05-01 10:40
No 201545
      Re: polystyrene film standard  Bookmark   

The first link stopped working for some reason.  It was about making your own polystyrene film standard for IR specs.  Just mix 1 g of polystyrene foam with about 4-5 ml of acetone or toluene, pour on a glass plate and let dry.

Looks like the link works sometimes and other times it doesn't, so I uploaded it here.  http://www.geocities.com/dritte123/363-1.htm

(Master Searcher)
03-17-02 10:40
No 283926
      Re: polystyrene film standard  Bookmark   

I found out polystyrene foam or what I had doesn't dissolve in acetone, but will dissolve in toluene.  I made some polystyrene film by putting a solution of polystyrene in toluene on top of water in a pyrex dish and let it evaporate.  It came out clear like Saran wrap except the edges of the film are thicker than the center.

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