roger2003 (Stranger)
12-31-02 02:09
No 394458
      Literature Search  Bookmark   

Direct Conversion of Nitroalkenes to Carbonyl Compounds:

Hass, H. B., A. G. Susie, and R. L. Heider J. Org. Chem., 15, 8 (1950)
Nightingale, D., and J. R. James. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 55, 352 (1944)
Torii, S., H. Tanaka, and T. Katoh. Chem. Lett., 607 (1983)
Bordoloi, M. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Common, 922 (1993)
Mourad, M. S., R. S. Varma, and G. W Kabalka Synthesis, 654 (1985 )
Varma, R. S., M. Barma, and G. W Kabalka. Tetrahedron Lett, 26, 3777 (1985)
Monti, D.,P. Gramatica, G. Speranza, and P. Manitto - Tetrahedron Lett., 24,417(1983)

Somebody can send me this literature ?

The ebook “The Nitro Group in Organic Synthesis” reports on page 165 yields from 80 to 88% of Carbonyl Compounds and ref. the literature in my thread. I want to find the way for high yields.

12-31-02 02:33
No 394461
      Hass, H. B., A. G. Susie, and R. L. Heider J.  Bookmark   

Hass, H. B., A. G. Susie, and R. L. Heider J. Org. Chem., 15, 8 (1950)

Post 389629 (Barium: "PNP and P2P", Stimulants)
(Hive Bee)
01-02-03 04:51
No 394833
      Mourad, M. S., R. S. Varma, and G.  Bookmark   

Mourad, M. S., R. S. Varma, and G. W Kabalka Synthesis, 654 (1985 )

Post 394699 (demorol: "Nitroalkene reduction using trialkylborohydrides", Novel Discourse)

I'm dreaming of the white crystals.
(Chief Bee)
01-06-03 16:23
No 395957
      Articles: Nitroalkenes to Carbonyl Compounds
(Rated as: excellent)

References for Conversion of Nitroalkenes to Carbonyl Compounds (djvu articles courtesy of lugh)

JOC 15, 8-14 (1950) (../rhodium/pdf /nitrostyrenes.fe-hcl.pdf)
Synthesis, 654 (1985) (../rhodium/pdf /p2p.l-selectride.pdf)
JACS 66 352-354 (1944) (../rhodium/djvu /nightingale.djvu)
Chem. Lett. 607 (1983) (../rhodium/djvu /torii.djvu)
Tet. Lett. 26, 3777 (1985) (../rhodium/djvu /varma.djvu)
J. Chem. Soc. Chem. Commun. 922 (1993) (../rhodium/djvu /bordoloi.djvu)
Tetrahedron Lett. 24, 417(1983) (../rhodium/djvu /monti.djvu)

(All *.djvu articles can be viewed with the browser plugin found at )